Thursday, October 31, 2019

Inviromental changes writing assigment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Inviromental changes writing assigment 6 - Essay Example of this is Saudi Arabia which is a nation which according to the CIA World Factbook (2010) has a total fertility rate of approximately 4 children born per woman. This is a relatively high ranking however it is also the case that the nation has a GDP per capita of approximately U.S. $20,300 which is relatively high, and when the non national labour force wage rates are removed it may be the case that the GDP per capita of nationals is much higher. However one could conclude that a great deal of this economic growth can be attributed to the large oil exports of the nation which is a significant source of revenue for the nation and its people. From another perspective one could argue that population growth negatively effects economic growth of less developed countries. In Diamond (2005) a case for how overpopulation has hindered the development of Haiti when compared to the relative economic and environmental success of its neighbor the Dominican Republic was presented. It is the case that according to the CIA World Factbook Haiti has a population that is approximately the same as the Dominican Republic but with less land and a population growth rate that is nearly double that of their neighbors to the East. With a growing population one of the most obvious concerns is the growing of food crops, in the past the nation would dedicate most of their arable land to the growing of coffee and sugar cane for sale in export markets now very little of this land is used in this regard and almost 100% is dedicated to feeding its growing population. This once viable source of revenue has now more or less dried up, and this once stabl e source of income for the government (Through taxes) has hurt the economic development of this nation. This issue is compounded for the government when the domestic population is paying less income from tax revenues. With lower revenues available for government spending one can expect a significant negative effect from brain drain as it would be

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Governor General Essay Example for Free

Governor General Essay The United States during the 1890’s wanted to acquire as much control as it could at the expense of other countries. This desire was felt greatly in countries found in Latin America and Asia. The location and size of Latin American and Asian countries caught the attention of the United States where they began to have an interest and desire to conquer the former countries. The influence of Alfred Mahan extended to the manner of conquest that the United States was to undertake. The sea power influence was used by the great country in order to further their objectives of obtaining control over Latin America and Asian countries. (Alfred T. Mahan on Sea Power, 1890) The USS Maine was the first ship constructed to answer the call for battle. The US was able to control the Canal Zone and this was vital to their pursuit for power. The Philippines was one of those Asian countries greatly affected by the US quest for power. The Philippine Insurrection resulted to fierce military battle between these two countries where a lot of lives were lost with many untold sufferings. (Insurrection in the Philippines) The US succeeded in conquering the Philippines where Theodore Roosevelt became the First Governor General. Look more:Â  satire mark twain essay (Theodore Roosevelt: First Governor General of the Philippines) The interest of the US over the Philippines arose as a result of the strategic location of the latter that would be good for business such as trading. The US had an extreme view to conquer the Latin America’s and Asian countries through force. Jingoism was prevalent during the years of 1890 onwards. The United States was able to exert influence, power and control over these countries. The control of this powerful nature ended when the spirit of democracy and independence was awakened in these countries subject to their control. Reference: 1. Alfred T. Mahan on Sea Power, 1890. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from website http://www. mtholyoke. edu/acad/intrel/protected/alfred. htm. 2. Insurrection in the Philippines. Oregon Coast Magazine Online. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from website http://www. u-s-history. com/pages/h830. html. 3. Fulton, Robert. Theodore Roosevelt: First Governor General of the Philippines. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from website http://www. morolandhistory. com/Articles/3. %20theodore_roosevelt. htm. 4. Jingoism. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from website http://www. worldwidewords. org/weirdwords/ww-jin1. htm.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Non Native Insects on Agricultural Ecosystems

Impact of Non Native Insects on Agricultural Ecosystems Subject Using examples, describe how invasive, non-native insects can affect agricultural ecosystems and wild ecosystems in areas outside their native range Abstract The global climate is changing rapidly and this trend is expected to continue throughout and beyond the 21st century. Rising temperatures as well as new precipitation patterns are toady affecting different aspects of natural world and human society worldwide. Indeed, we are experiencing many changes as a result of climate change in the ecosystems on an astonishingly pace and scale. Non-native species are thought to be of greatest threats as a result of the current global warming. There are almost approximately two thousand established invasive species in Britain. Indeed, the factor of non-native species cost Great Britain approximately  £1.7 billion annually. As each species have their way of responding to these changes in environment, its interactions with the physical world as well as the organism around it change too. This causes a cascade of influence within the entire ecosystem. In fact, such influence can lead to a spreading out of species into new areas, interaction of diffe rent species to a point of species extinctions. This paper aims to examine and describe with examples how invasive or non-native insects can impact agriculture ecosystems and wild ecosystems in areas outside their naive range. Non-native insects also referred as exotic, non-indigenous, alien, or introductions are insects introduced to new areas or living outside their native distribution range as a result of human activities, either deliberate or accidental. According to Krueger and May (1991) non native species can be described as the transfer of different organisms outside their native range. Different type of animals have been transferred or transported to different locations as a result of different means and introduced into new areas for many years. Many of these introductions have been both accidental and intentional, however, many have not. For intentional, the primary reason is for agriculture or livestock production such as domesticated cattle, honeybees, goats, swine etc. Invasive species either large or small have devastating impact on agricultural ecosystem and wild ecosystem in areas outside their native range. According to Schowalter and Whitmore (2002) invasive insects are one of the major threats to native wildlife and other plantations worldwide. In fact, approximately 42 percent of endangered or threatened species are at risk mainly as a result of invasive species. Agricultural ecosystems are also at high risk from invasive species. The effect of invasive insects on our agricultural products cost billions of dollars annually. An invasive species are many type of living organism-an amphibian, insects, plant, bacteria, fungus or eggs that are not native to an ecosystem and has the potential to cause harm to the environment. However, for the purpose of this paper, we shall examine the species insect as the invasion species. Insects in non-native areas have the potential to harm the environment especially the agricultural ecosystem. They do grow and reproduce rapidly and hence spread in a hostile way, with the potential to cause harm and thus, they are labeled as invasive. It is important to understand that invasive insects might not come from a different country. According to Wittenberg and Cock (2001), invasive species such as insects pose great threat on biodiversity across the globe. However, insects from a large part of the invasion fauna across the globe appears to have received excessively less attention regarding their impact on the agricultural and wild ecosystem compared to aquatic or vertebrate organisms (Levine et al. 2003; Long 2003). Nevertheless, according to Jenkins (2003) through direct interactions, invasive insects have the potential to affect native biodiversity, for instance, a herbivore feeding on a native plant that wild animals are supposed to feed on. Evans (2006) note that the migration of insects to a new location has the potential to attack native prey or host. Additionally, invasive insects has the potential to affect native species as well as ecosystems indirectly through cascading impacts or other several mechanism such as the spread of diseases, competing for space and food (NRC, 2002). Invasive insects can particularly be harmful to native plants populations. Nevertheless, many publications examining ecological impacts of non-native insects do not appropriately quantify these effects. However, the most documented effects on invasive species are undoubtedly these caused by insects on agriculture and wild ecosystems. According to Mallet (2005) hybridization between native ecosystems and invasive insects is a major concern as a result of disturbances that can produce in native genetic resources. Indeed, hybridization has been established in plants and in many cases has continued to show a negative effect on native species (Long 2003). In particular, North America has been largely been affected by invasive insects that are said to originate from Europe. For instance, the balsam woolly adelgid, A. piceae, (pictured below 1) as well as the hemlock wooly adelgid, A. tsugae, are said to pose threat to forest ecosystems in Northern America through killing Fraser fir and Carolina hemlock, Tsuga Canadensis on a large scale (Small et al. 2005). As shown in image 2 below: Image 1: balsam woolly adelgid, A. piceae Image 2: hemlock wooly adelgid, A. tsugae,attackingFraser fir and Carolina hemlock Another example is the gypsy moth,Lymantria dispar (image 3 below)as well as the hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae,is seriously affecting the hemlock and oak forest in North America (Orwig and Foster, 1998). Another example of invasive insects threatening agriculture is the scale insects Orthezia insignis, which are seriously threatening endemic gumwood (Fowler, 2004) and the ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus that are attacking a number of vegetations in Hawaii. Image 3: gypsy moth,Lymantria dispar Since their accidental introduction to North America from Europe, around mid 19th Century, the gypsy moth (L. dispar) has become major pests that affect trees in Eastern North America (Liebhold et al. 1995). Additionally, Eurasian insects have also caused serious issues for many trees in America and Europe including the spruce aphid, Elatobium abietinum image 4 below (Lynch 2004), as well as the recently introduced emerald ash borer, which in the past few years has affected over 15 million ash trees (Poland and McCullough 2006). Image 4: Spruce aphid, Elatobium abietinum attacking a plant By reducing or killing the host plant populations, invasive insects also have the potential to impact many other native plants species. According to Gray (2011), the bugs which were introduced accidently in Britain from other countries are at this period considered as the greatest threat to many garden plants. Plants such as rosemary and sage, lilies and fritillaries flowers and shrubs like berberis are today under attack from invasive insects. Many insects have been confined to attack plants in the south east of England. As a result, many horticulturalists have monitored the spread of insects such as Scarlet lily Beetle (Lilioceris lilii) image 5 below, Rosemary Beetle, Hemerocallis gall midge (Contarinia quinquenotata), and Berberis sawfly (Arge berberidis) have warned that the insects have the potential to spread quickly northward and westward across Britain devouring plantations (Gray, 2001). Image 5: Scarlet lily Beetle, Lilioceris lilii attacking a leave The Royal Horticultural Society (2016) has described the invasive insects as most wanted pests and they are urging farmers to be on the lookout. The organization continues and said that the spread of these insects is quite worrying as they defoliate the plantations and spoil the flowers. Even though they do not kill the plants they leave the weakened to a point that they cannot grow properly. Climate change is the main cause of this move as summer got hotter and winter milder, it has cause insects that were in the south of England to migrate and spread further north. These insects (Scarlet lily Beetle, Rosemary Beetle, Hemerocallis gall midge, and Berberis sawfly) are among the increasing number of non-native species that are causing devastation across the England landscape. One of the common insect is Rosemary Beetle (Chrysolina americana) that has spread quickly attacking herbs such as sage, lavender, rosemary and thyme. The image below shows Rosemary Beetle: Image 6: Rosemary Beetle As they establish themselves in the new environment, invasive insects in Canadian forests such as Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, and Coleoptera engage in competitive and trophic interactions with native species and hence potentially impacting natives through several direct and indirect mechanisms (Gandhi and Herms 2010). Invasive insects such as phytophagous feed on native woody plants and thus compete with native species for space and food and they also consume native insects and parasitoids. As well as direct interactions such as interference competition and consumption, non-native insects might therefore interact with native species through other mechanisms such as indirect mutualism, trophic cascades, and exploitative competition (White et al. 2006). According to Lovett et al. (1995) this interactions are most of the time considered to be negative. However, there are some beneficial of mutuality interaction with naÃÆ' ¯ve species. For instance, the impact of interactions between natives and invasive might occur are different levels of ecological organization such as the level of the gene, population, ecosystem, community and individual (Parker et al. 1999). As discussed above, the introduction of invasive insects such as gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is most of the time described as one of the most destructive ecological species in North America forest (ISSG 2009). According to Gale et al. (2001) the defoliation of Gypsy moth opens up the canopy, reduces the growth of trees, kills and weaken trees outright and as well as alter nutrient cycling and ecosystem processes in the forest. At the long run, gypsy moth invasion can also lead to changes in stand composition and structure. These effects of gypsy moth on forest can cause both lasting and temporary changes in habitant for other organisms in the forest such as birds and mammals (Schowalter and Whitmore, 2002) Invasive insects causes harm to wild ecosystems in many different ways. When a new and aggressive species are introduced to a new ecosystem, it can breed quickly as well as spread, taking over the plants and the location. As a result, native wildlife might fail to provide any protective mechanism against the invader as the species has no predators. Invasive insects are said to have devastating effects on an ecosystem and it might result to the local extinction of native species, particularly if they are endangered. When invasive insects are introduced to a new area outside their range it is likely that they will disrupt the natural food web and as a result start to compete with the native wild ecosystem and directly predating them. In this view, when natural food pattern are disturbed, the results becomes complex and varied consequences, which later lead a reduction in biodiversity within the habitant. The gypsy moth defoliation effect on canopy openness lead to understory plant growth, tree mortality and stand composition that has some impact on wildlife. Increased openness of canopy can in one way reduce populations of birds species that are linked with closed canopies The effects of gypsy moth defoliation on canopy openness, understory plant growth, stand composition, and tree mortality can also have impacts on forest wildlife. Increased canopy openness can temporarily reduce populations of bird species associated with closed canopies Gale et al. 2001, as well as cause nest predation. Equally, increases in understory cover and dead trees have been considerably linked with increased profusions in the eastern towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus) as well as cavity-nesting bird species. Moreover, species that stay in an open canopy are more in defoliated stands (Bell and Whitmore 1997). This means that gypsy moth defoliation leads to an increased habitat complexity, which at the other case can be beneficial for forest birds and wild animals in the ecosystem. Parasitism on native fauna Invasive insects have also the potential to affect that native fauna as a result of parasitism on native vertebrates or insects. In many cases, parasitoids have been applied as biological control means nationally. In just a few cases, these control measures have turned to be a threat to non-target insects. One of the best know example in forest ecosystem is that is tachinid fly, Compsilura concinnata, which were introduced in North America from Europe at the start of 20th century to control gypsy moth, which is today suspected to have a negative effect on populations of endangered natives (Boettner et al. 2000). Also, according to Bildfell et al. (2004) alien ectoparasites of vertebrates have the potential to threaten native species. For instance, a chewing louse, Damalinia sp., can cause hair-loss effect in black tail deer in western North America. Competition Additionally, competition is likely to occur between non-native insects and native animals for nesting areas. Hybridization between invasive and native species can as well occur, which leads in reduced fitness of offspring and could eventually result to the extinction of the species. Moreover, invasive insects can introduce pathogens into the new area, which has the potential to spread to the native ecosystem which has not experienced the disease there before and thus they have no immunity to it. In additional to diseases being transmitted to flora and fauna, other many diseases that come with insects can as well be transmitted to nearby human population. Invasive insects are said to affect communities and populations of native area through competing for same resources (Reitz and Trumble 2002). The Asian adelgid (Pineus boerneri Annand) have shown some competitive nature that has resulted to displacement of native congener in red pine plantations in Eastern parts of the U.S, through the reduction of host plant quality forcing the native animals to less suitable locations (McClure, 1989). Also, the European weevil (R conicus) act of feeding on flower-heads of native animals in the U.S. considerably reduces the density of native tephritid flies, which also are said to feed on flower-heads (Louda et al. 1997). Also, according to Roque-Albelo (2003) the scale insect kill endangered plants populations in the Galapagos, has also led to local extinctions of host-specific Lepidoptera. Several ecosystem processes can also be altered by invasion insects such as nutrients and water cycles, habitant and succession modification, which later result to a reduction of biodiversity. Indeed, altered water cycle can result to an increased risk of flooding within the area. In additional to be associated with high scale ecological impact, invasive insects can as well have some economical implications. For instance, the government of U.K often spent approximately  £1.7 annually in the control of pests (Wild Screen Arkive, 2001). In fact, direct economical losses might occur from non-native insects causes serious damage to infrastructure or goods and indirect losses leading from decreased tourism in affected area. Spread of Vectors of diseases Invasive insects might also be a source of several vectors or facilitate the transmission of both plant and wild animal diseases. According to Brasier (2000), the European bark beetle, Scolytus multistriatus, is known to be a common source of the Dutch elm disease in North America. The European beech scale, Cryptococcus fagisuga is linked with the fungus ectria coccinea var. faginata, which causes beech bark illness (Houston 1994). Additionally, the invasion mosquitoes are also vectors of avian malaria that affect endemic birds in the forest ecosystem in Hawaii (LaPointe et al 2005). Above all, invasive insects also play an important role as pollinators in the flowering plants. Many of the plants especially flowers are dominant producers in several terrestrial ecosystems, but there is no way they can reproduce without insect intermediaries in order to carry pollen from one flower to another. Plants in the ecosystem produce an array of colors, rewards, odors, as well as ruses in order to attract their insect accomplices. Any flower grows in a design that ensures no insect visitor leaves without a thorough dusting of pollen, which is destined to another flower nearby. Therefore, invasion insects have the capability to continue transfer of pollen to anther flower and thus ensure continued populations of plants. Despite the fact that many of the remarkable studies focuses on ecological effects of invasive insects in the forest ecosystem, there is a still neglected scope that would merit further attention. In conclusion, this paper has clearly indicated that invasive or non-native insects have the potential to affect agricultural ecosystems and wild ecosystems in areas outside their native range through several mechanisms. Several examples have shown that invasive insects affect growing plants and wild animals in the ecosystems. As it has been established in this paper, non-native insects can impact biodiversity through direct interactions such as herbivore feeding on native plantations. The other effect is a predator or a parasitoid attack on native wild or host. Moreover, there invasive insects hybridize with native species. It is also established that invasive insects may affect communities and plant populations of native herbivores through competing for the same resources. In addition, this paper has established that invasive insects can affect vegetation and wild ecosystems indirectly. This can occur through cascading effects or other mechanisms such as carrying diseases, competing for space and food as well as sharing natural enemies with native ecosystems species. Moreover, it has been established in this paper that ecological effect by invasive insects can happen at different levels of biological organizations such as genetic impact- effects on populations, communities or individuals of species. The invasive insects effect on the processes of ecosystems in both agriculture and wild animals. Finally, invasive alien insects have been considered to be one of the most significant threats to biodiversity across the globe. In fact, invasive insects are seen top threaten many native ecosystems by consuming, competing and displacing them. However, a number of governments are investing huge amount of dollars to attempt to find solution to already devastating and devouring small animal that is destroying millions of vegetations and wild worldwide. References Bildfell R. J., Mertins J. W., Mortensen J. A. and Cottam D. F. 2004: Hair-loss syndrome in black-tailed deer of the Pacific Northwest. J. Wildlife Dis., 40: 670-681. Boettner G. H., Elkinton J. S. and Boettner C. J. 2000. Effects of a biological control introduction on three non-target native species of saturniid moth. Conserv. Biol. 14: 1798-1806 Brasier C. M. 2000. Intercontinental Spread and Continuing Evolution of the Dutch Elm Research Pathogens. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, pp. 61-72. Evans E. 2004. Habitat displacement of North American ladybirds by an introduced species. Ecology, 85:637-647. Fowler, S. V., 2004. Biological control of an exotic scale. Orthezia insignis Browne (Homoptera: Ortheziidae), saves the endemic gumwood tree Commidendrum robustum (Roxb.) DC. (Asteraceae) on the Island of St. Helena. Biol. Control, 29: 367-374. Gandhi, K.J.K., and Herms, D.A. 2010. Direct and indirect effects of alien insect herbivores on ecological processes and interactions in forests of eastern North America. Biological Invasions 12: 389-405. Gale, G.A., DeCecco, J.A., Marshall, M.R., McClain, W.R., and Cooper, R.J. 2001. Effects of gypsy moth defoliation on forest birds: an assessment using breeding bird census data. Journal of Field Ornithology 72: 291-304. Invasive Species Specialist Group. 2009. Global invasive species database. Online: accessed on 28th Dec 2016. Levine J.M, Vila` M, DAntonio C. M, Dukes JS, Grigulis K, Lavorel S., 2003. Mechanisms underlying the impact of exotic plant invasions. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 270:775-781 Long J. L 2003. Introduced mammals of the world. Their history distribution and influence. CABI, Wallingford. Lovett, G.M., Canham, C.D., Arthur, M.A., Weathers, K.C., and Fitzhugh, R.D. 2006. Forest ecosystem responses to exotic pests and pathogens in eastern North America. BioScience 56: 395-405. Lapointe D. A., Goff M. L. Atkinson C. T. 2005 Comparative susceptibility of introduced forest-dwelling mosquitoes in Hawaii to avian malaria, Plasmodium relictum. J. Parasit., 91: 843-849. Mallet. J., 2005. Hybridization as an invasion of the genome. Trends Ecol Evol 20:229-237 NRC., 2002. Predicting invasions of nonindigenous plants and plant pests. National Academy Press, Washington Orwig D. A. Foster D. R., 1998. Forest response to the introduced hemlock woolly adelgid in southern New England, USA. J. Torrey Bot. Soc., 125: 60-73. Parker, I.M., Simberloff, D., Lonsdale, W.M., Goodell, K., Wonham, M., Karieva, P.M., Williamson, M.H., Von Holle, B., Moyle, P.B., Byers, J.E., and Goldwasser, L. 1999. Impact: toward a framework for understanding the ecological effects of invaders. Biological Invasions 1:3-19. Schowalter, C.R., and Whitmore, R.C. 2002. The effect of gypsy moth defoliation on cavity-nesting bird communities. Forest Science 48: 273-281. Wild Screen Arkive, 2001. UK invasive species. Online: Accessed on 27th Dec 2016. White, E.M., Wilson, J.C., and Clarke, A.R. 2006. Biotic indirect effects: a neglected concept in invasion biology. Diversity and Distributions 12: 443-455.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Origin of Judgment :: Judgment Edmund Husserl Essays

The Origin of Judgment Introduction The guiding thesis of Experience and Judgment is that logic demands a foundational theory of experience, which at the lowest level is described as prepredicative or prelinguistic.1 Edmund Husserl pursues within that text a phenomenological elucidation of the origin of judgment in order that he might clarify the essence of the predicative judgment. He does so in the belief that an investigation into the form of prepredicative experience will show it to be the ground of the structure of predicative thought, and thus the origin of general, conceptual thought. From the beginning, Husserl takes the problematic of logic as being two-fold: on the one hand there is the question of the constitution of forms of judgment and their laws; and on the other, that of the subjective conditions of the attainment of self-evidence.2 He gives his investigation into this problematic in Experience and Judgment a tripartite structure, with each part corresponding to a different level of experience. This paper will loosely mirror Husserl’s own division, beginning with an articulation of what Husserl means by the prepredicative domain of experience. This will be followed by an examination of the origins of judgment in the prepredicative realm. Finally it will address simple predicative judgment and give a cursory treatment of the manner in which Husserl sees such judgment as progressing toward knowledge and universal judgment. All of this will be preceded, however, by a brief introduction to the arguments of Experience and Judgment. In Part I of Experience and Judgment, Husserl proceeds with an analysis of the â€Å"passive† data of experience. It is here that Husserl hopes to exhibit what he refers to as the â€Å"prepredicative† conditions of predication as such. These prepredicative conditions underlie every act of objective experience, such that these structures ultimately found the distinct forms of judgment that one would encounter on the level of formal logic. Part II concerns the structure of predicative thought as such; that is, it is concerned with the origin of predicative forms of judgment in prepredicative experience. Husserl argues that on the level of predicative thought, "objectivities of understanding† are realized in acts of categorical judgment, which form the logical structures necessary to the founding of a formal logic. The origin of general, conceptual thought is treated in Part III. The process of isolating the forms of judgment from the data of pregiven subjective exp erience, begun in Part II, is here continued.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Descriptive Writing: Favourite food  Essay

I would have to say that my favorite food so far would have to be my Auntie Bettina’s boiled potatoes. The texture of the boiled potatoes is so smooth and soft that it might be considered a new different state of matter by some scientists. Her potatoes are a sequence of many hours of trial and error. With so much excessive effort being put into these potatoes, the result has always been a bowl of heavenly delicious Carbohydrates. Of course there is a catch these potatoes are only made monthly. That day happens to be the 21st of every month and within a few moments the bowl is filled with boiled potatoes and the bowl is scraped down to its last potato molecule. The chances of being able to get a second plateful of boiled potatoes are similar to the chances of a hippopotamus learning to speak three different languages. I’m pretty sure my aunt could rule the world if she wanted to globalize her production of boiled potatoes. However I don’t think she would want too because that might cause an all-out global war in an attempt to capture the last portion of boiled potatoes before the ingredients are finished. The march for the last particle of boiled potatoes might in fact lead to the 3rd world war. In conclusion these boiled potatoes aren’t just a piece of slop that is slapped in a huge bowl. The boiled potatoes from my aunt are made with more care than that of the Egyptian pyramids. They are perfectly made to entice your taste buds and leaving you wondering how something could be so perfect, could be created on this planet. Many wonder what happened to their plate of boiled potatoes, often realizing moments later that they consumed it so fast. That it was nearly impossible for them to see what exactly they ate.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Analysis of B School Dress Code Essay

Objective – to know the preference of students regarding dress code in a B school Reason – there was a lot of debate relating to the dress code and hence we thought of picking this as the survey topic .Earlier 1st 2 days of the week students were compelled to wear formals which has been lately scrapped creating a lot of confusion in the college . Results of the survey A sample size of 30 comprising of students of Ibs was taken 1. Questions regarding which dress code would be ideal for a B school Formal -16 Casual – 3 Smart casual -9 Any -2 2.should formals be made compulsory in B schhol Yes -11 No-19 3.was the college right in restricting students from wearin capris and sleevless Yes 18 No 12 4.How’s do you rate the dressing of students in B school Good -13 Below average -4 Avg-11 V good – 2 5.Other comments 1. Strict actions should be taken against the students who don’t abide by the rules . 2.everyone has the right to wear whatever they feel they are comfortable with , and there shouldn’t be any compulsion and restriction . t-shirts with improper sayings or picture 4.students by self should pick on wearing formal clothing as this creates a corporate atmosphere 5.comfort is important where people have to sit forlong hours, so casual but decent clothings should be allowed. Conclusion – maximum students believe formal clothing is the right dress code for a B school , but they need no force for the same . 19 of 30 Students think wearing capris and sleeveless does not suit the b school arena .the current rating on the dressing of the students is a close tuff between good and average . From the comments we conclude that there is a close tiff but all believe indecent clothes should not be selected but comfort can be given preference.