Thursday, October 31, 2019

Inviromental changes writing assigment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Inviromental changes writing assigment 6 - Essay Example of this is Saudi Arabia which is a nation which according to the CIA World Factbook (2010) has a total fertility rate of approximately 4 children born per woman. This is a relatively high ranking however it is also the case that the nation has a GDP per capita of approximately U.S. $20,300 which is relatively high, and when the non national labour force wage rates are removed it may be the case that the GDP per capita of nationals is much higher. However one could conclude that a great deal of this economic growth can be attributed to the large oil exports of the nation which is a significant source of revenue for the nation and its people. From another perspective one could argue that population growth negatively effects economic growth of less developed countries. In Diamond (2005) a case for how overpopulation has hindered the development of Haiti when compared to the relative economic and environmental success of its neighbor the Dominican Republic was presented. It is the case that according to the CIA World Factbook Haiti has a population that is approximately the same as the Dominican Republic but with less land and a population growth rate that is nearly double that of their neighbors to the East. With a growing population one of the most obvious concerns is the growing of food crops, in the past the nation would dedicate most of their arable land to the growing of coffee and sugar cane for sale in export markets now very little of this land is used in this regard and almost 100% is dedicated to feeding its growing population. This once viable source of revenue has now more or less dried up, and this once stabl e source of income for the government (Through taxes) has hurt the economic development of this nation. This issue is compounded for the government when the domestic population is paying less income from tax revenues. With lower revenues available for government spending one can expect a significant negative effect from brain drain as it would be

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