Friday, November 29, 2019

Single Sex Schools free essay sample

Pro-Con Essays On Single-Sex Schools The advantages and disadvantages of single-sex schools are still debated in the field of education. As the name implies, single-sex schools or single-sex education separate male and female students so that they learn in either all male or all female classrooms and environments. This was a common practice in the past but fell out of favor with charges of unequal access to quality education and opportunities for female students. The advantages and disadvantages of single-sex schools are the focus of pro-con essays on single-sex schools.Are single-sex schools better than coed schools? Who benefits and who loses from single-sex education? Can separate but equal be attained in single-sex education? These are just some of the questions addressed in pro-con essays on single-sex schools. Also, keep in mind that pro-con essays on single-sex schools are similar to distance learning essays, school inclusion essays and essays on the pros and cons of homeschooling as all are concerned with how we deliver quality education to children. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Sex Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some of the advantages of single-sex schools to discuss in pro-con essays on single-sex schools include the following: 1) in single sex schools boys tend to become less competitive and become more collaborative thereby learning the value of cooperation; 2) conversely, girls learn how to become more competitive and feel less threatened by the competition from boys; 3) single-sex schools allow male students to feel more comfortable with subjects that are considered more ‘feminine’ such as language, music and the arts and girls are allowed to feel more comfortable learning subjects that are considered more ‘masculine’ such as math, science, and engineering; and 4) single-sex schools eliminate some of the social pressure of dating and interacting with the opposite sex that is so significant in coed schools. Pro-con essays on single-sex schools should elaborate upon and explain these advantages. The disadvantages of single-sex education should also be detailed in pro-con essays on single-sex schools.These disadvantages include evidence that students who have attended single-sex schools have trouble adjusting to the coed environment of higher education and that the lack of diversity in single-sex schools is limiting and does not prepare students for the real world. Also, many find the notion of single-sex schools incongruous with the notion of equal opportunity. These potential disadvantages need to be listed in pro-con essays on single-sex schools also. A comparison of the personal development and academic achievements of students in single-sex schools with those in coed schools can also be helpful to provide in pro-con essays on single-sex schools. Single Sex Schools free essay sample Whether high school or college, single-gender schools are generally considered the cream of the crop. Parents believe that if they take their children to all-boys or all-girls schools they will receive a better education that is more targeted toward their childs gender, without the distractions of the opposite sex. There are others on the other hand who believe that students in these types of schools do not necessarily benefit from single-gender education. However within the last ten years, the number of single sex schools has increased rapidly because educators are constantly searching for ways to better educate children. Due to the social problems among teenagers that have a different mind-set than their parents that start dating at the young age, some parents may prefer to send their children to single-sex schools. There are many advantages and disadvantages of single-sex schools that show single-sex schools should be or not to be promoted in Malaysia. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Sex Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Study in single-sex schools makes the students concentrate on what is more important at this age: education. Some educationalist believe that teenagers who study in single-sex schools help to avoid the attractions of opposite sex. The students study in mixed-sex schools, they might be interact with each other, and have relationship with their schoolmates. If they are not carefully, they may get themselves into unplanned pregnancies troubles and problems. Single-sex schools provides a chance to overcome the fear of stereotypes. Girls can study easier in physics, technology, math, and computers subject in the environment because they dont have to compete with the boys, while boys also can participate in some non-macho activities, like poetry, dramatics, art history, and music without having worry on their image. This breaking of stereotypes helps to increase the confidence of students studying in single gender educational institutions. Laird Harrison’s article, â€Å"A Classroom in which you can speak your mind,† shows an overview of how single-sex education could stimulate boys and girls to focus their attention on study. (Maria F. Alvarez, Ms. Al Askari, ESL 13, Composition III; 2nd October 2006. ) Harrison states that girls and boys learn differently and how girls may learn better without the presence of boys because they can speak out and ask questions, feeling then more confident. However, It has not been proved that girls in single-gender schools get better grades than in traditional schools, says Eliot Jones in the August 2009 issue of the International Debate Education Association. Study in single-sex schools may bring along with several social issues, such as interactions between both genders, lack of diversity, and so on. Males and females regularly interact both socially as well as professionally in their daily lives. When students attend single-sex schools, they unable successfully interact with members of the opposite sex, and may encourage an inability to understand each other, thereby increasing negative future interactions. Students may set up for failure in future social situations that the lack of diversity a single-sec school create. For example, effective social cues and relationship building skills come through first-hand experience. As a result, they may face difficulty in their social life when they adjusting to co-ed environments because they do not have the right skills in dealing with people. The lack of opportunities for normal social progression also need to be concern. In conclusion, having teenagers study in single-sec schools may brings more disadvantages for their education and also their future social situations. In my opinion, as I came from mixed-sex schools, I truly believe that mixed-sex school is a better choice for the students. I disagree to promote single-sex schools in Malaysia due to the disadvantages that given. Single Sex Schools free essay sample Questions 1. Do single-sex schools better educate children? (Neutral) 2. Do boys and girls distract each other from their studies? (Neutral) 3. Would single-sex schools be consistent with today’s society of equality between men and women? (Neutral) Issue Summary I oppose single sex school especially since women have fought hard to serve alongside men in combat and completive jobs that only men served in at one time. It sounds like regressing to me. A 2004 statement from the American Association of University Women says, â€Å"Single-sex classrooms distract from real problems in schools and would throw out the most basic legal standards prohibiting sex discrimination in education. † One study evaluated cognitive tests attempted by boys and girls from single sex and mixed sex education system . It was found that boys in single-sex schools did not have higher test scores than boys in coeducational schools and that girls experienced no statistically significant positive effects of single-sex school enrollment (LePore and Warren , 1997) It really serves no purpose and there is no data that shows that by separating boy and girls while educating them will make them better citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Sex Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If it is about the achievement gaps, there are other ways to close gaps that are proven, such as, smaller class sizes and extra training for teachers. â€Å"People are looking for a single silver bullet, but there’s no quick fix. † Our students have much to contribute to each other, and students of all ages benefit from being engaged in activities and learning in the company of the opposite sex. In the classroom, learning experiences need to resemble real-world life experiences. How can we prepare students for future families, homes, and workplaces without exposing them to members of the opposite sex? How can we expect them to learn to respect and appreciate gender differences as adults if we do not teach them to form healthy relationships and have positive interactions and appropriate dialogues now? As educators, our efforts should not be driven by how we can separate students to minimize distractions but by how we can bring all students together to maximize learning.

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