Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Comparison Between Edinburgh And France - 1301 Words

3.0 Comparison between Edinburgh and France The main reason for the exchange year is to engage yourself with the culture and history of the city that you have chosen and for me it was Edinburgh. I love this city because it is the perfect example of a blend of medieval architecture, nature and modernity. Strolling around the city, you can see its gothic style architecture and other 16th century monuments around the city. While walking the streets of Royal Mile, we can see the gorgeous gothic style St Giles Cathedral, streets filled with small alleys that are like secret chambers to the hidden world and the magnificent Edinburgh Castle at the Castle Hill. From the castle, one could view the Princess Street, one of the busiest and commercial†¦show more content†¦I have never seen Arthur Seat and the Meadows empty. There are always people who would jog, hike or cycle near Arthur Seat and also there must be people jogging, playing tennis, games or enjoying the great weather (if possible) at the Meadows when it is sunny. Furthermore, one of the important differences between in France and Edinburgh is the diversity of people that exist here. There are a lot of people who comes from different ethnic background and nationalities in Edinburgh. There are more than 10000 non-European students in Edinburgh. This contributes to the heterogeneity of the city. It made me have the sense of belonging in this city and not felt foreign or as an outsider. Apart from that, in Edinburgh alone we have more than 200 Malaysians studying here. This facilitated me in adapting in Edinburgh. However, in Le Havre, there was lack of diversity making me felt always a foreigner in its homogenous society. It took more time for me to adapt with the French society even though I am able to speak their language. I have always felt being judged by the people surrounding me while I was walking around France. It is undeniable that France is the location to taste the best cuisine in the world. However, it is noteworthy to mention that Edinburgh has its own charm in terms of the food. There is a varied choice of food here in Edinburgh from the Scottish traditional cuisine (haggis), fish and chips, the English breakfast to other cuisines coming from all around theShow MoreRelatedThe Work Of Brown And Seaton1235 Words   |  5 PagesThis view differs drastically from his past criticism of Oh What a Lovely War, suggesting that historians were still critical of the validity of popular culture. The book represents the growth of cultural history in the 1980s, which bridges the gap between academics and the public and accordingly it is taken seriously by historians. The 2014 hardback edition’s sale ranking reached 672,949 and all three editions have been cited by most books on the truce in 1914. 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