Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ethics And Ethics Of The Patriot Act - 1053 Words

LP 8 Assignment: Patriot Act Kevin M. Cox Professionalism and Ethics in Criminal Justice August 22, 2014 The Patriot Act was introduced as a response to the terrorist attacks in the US on September 11th. It has radically changed the way in which the government operates in the investigations of people in and out of our country. It has broadened the powers of the federal government in the way in which they can obtain information on people. In this paper I will be discussing the ethical and moral issues of the expanded ability of wiretapping, search and seizure, the establishment of the FISA court, and end with the transparency of these practices. Our country has always had laws to protect our citizens against the ability of the government to go on witch hunting expeditions to find any little speck that might indicate someone is engaged in criminal behavior. It has been well established that search and seizure of someone’s property that reasonable cause must be established and law enforcement must have a warrant issued by a judge. This criterion has been greatly reduced with the ena ctment of the Patriot Act. Federal Agents may conduct surveillance and searches against US citizens without â€Å"probable cause† to suspect criminal activity. The targeted person is not notified and cannot challenge the action (Montaldo). This is a deviation from the way in which law enforcement has been allowed to operate in the past. The ethical issue involved in not having to showShow MoreRelated Ethics of the USA PATRIOT Act Essay example2844 Words   |  12 PagesEthics of the USA PATRIOT Act Another week, another series of patches to download from Microsoft. It seems like every week, Microsoft is under siege from one virus or another. The complexity in the billions of lines of code embedded in its products make it impossible to be error-free. 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Derived from a French term meaning looking upon, it includes not only visual observation but also behavior analysis. Prominent examples of surveillance include cameras, wiretaps, GPS tracking, and packet sniffing. Observation is often seen as an expression of control. Just as being stared at for an extended period can make you uneasy and even hostileRead MorePrinciples of Information Security Chapter 3 Review1291 Words   |  6 PagesChapter 3 Review 1. What is the difference between law and ethics? The difference between law and ethics is that law is a set of rules and regulations that are universal and should be accepted and followed by society and organizations. Ethics on the other hand was derived from the latin word mores and Greek word Ethos means the beliefs and customs that help shape the character of individuals and how people interact with one another 2. What is civil law, and what does it accomplish? ARead MoreGrand Canyon Jus 505 All Week Discussions - Latest 2015748 Words   |  3 Pagesthat a defendant be tried by an impartial jury of his peers. What exactly does the term impartial mean? Are you in favor of or against having a cross-sectional representative jury pool? Why? Support your position. week 3 Discuss the legal ethics involved in the implementations of three-strikes laws, which give offenders a life sentence upon conviction of a third felony. Specifically, discuss the case of Leandro Andrade, who was given 50 years with no possibility of parole for shopliftingRead MorePrivacy, The State Of Being Away From Public Attention1614 Words   |  7 Pagesprivacy of a person. One of these laws put in place is the Privacy Act of 1975, which establishes â€Å"a code of fair information practices.† This act regulates the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of a person’s information by federal executive branch agencies. (Scott). There are even laws that protect particular private information, one of the most well-known is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 also known as HIPAA. HIPAAs privacy rules â€Å"protects all individuallyRead MoreThe Increase of State Surveillance in the United States and United Kingdom511 Words   |  3 Pagespaper will examine what the terms ethics, ethical issue and state surveillance refer to. Next, an exploration into the ethics of governmental monitoring from the perspective of a variety of ethical systems such as: ethical formalism, act utilitarian, rule utilitarian and subjective relativism model. From this examination of state surveillance through ethical systems, a conclusion of whether it is ethical or unethical will be apparent. What do ethics refer to? Ethics is a system of moral principles

Monday, December 23, 2019

Internet Theft Of Online Auction Fraud Essay - 865 Words

With the amount of fraudsters using auction fraud to scam individuals out of their money, it is essential to know to handle the situation after becoming a victim. The victims of online auction fraud often report numerous issues that include â€Å"buyers receiving goods late, or not at all, sellers not receiving payment, and failure to disclose relevant information about a product or the terms of sale† (Auction Fraud, 2010). If anyone becomes a victim of online auction fraud, the actions taken next are very important. First, â€Å"if the seller has misrepresented the goods you’ve bought, report the fraud to Action Fraud. Second, keep all evidence of the offence, and lastly, contact the website involved or even alert Consumer Direct by phone that is listed on their website† (Action Fraud, 2010). Multiple ways to protect yourself from becoming an online auction fraud victim is to read all of the websites information before performing any purchasing transactions involving money. It is very questionable to trust buying things from individuals will very little selling history and reviews and at times can be seen as a red flag to buy from another dealer (Auction Fraud, 2010). Most selling and buying websites will provide reviews for other individuals to read. eBay is a great example of one of these sites as well as Amazon. After finding an item that is interesting enough to buy, the next step is to read the over sellers information. If the transactions reported with this seller is reportedShow MoreRelatedQuestions On E Commerce Fraud1221 Words   |  5 PagesE-commerce fraud refers to any type of scheme that uses websites, emails, or any Internet related function in order to present fraudulent solicitations, steal personal information, conduct fraudulent transactions, or transmi t money from bank to bank or to other cyber criminals. Fraud is not exclusive to credit or debit cards and criminals have become more sophisticated in their usage of malware in order to take over online banking logins via consumers’ phones, tablets and computers. The stolen bankingRead MoreThe Globalization of White Collar Crimes: An Inside Look of How Fraud, Embezzlement, Cybercrime, Identity Theft and Forgery Are Increasing World-Wide794 Words   |  4 PagesInside Look of How Fraud, Embezzlement, Cybercrime, Identity Theft and Forgery Are Increasing World-Wide In this paper I will examine some of the aspects of white collar crimes such as: fraud, embezzlement, cybercrimes, identity theft and forgery. I will explain what each of these are pertaining to criminal justice and how they relate to one another. And I will conclude by how each of these topics are growing into global problems. According to Criminal-Law-Lawyer-Source.com â€Å"Fraud is the act of deliberatelyRead MoreInternet Fraud: an Overview of Classifications, Government Actions, and Consumer Protection3671 Words   |  15 PagesInternet Fraud: An Overview of Classifications, Government Actions, and Consumer Protection December 14, 2006 Internet Fraud: An Overview of Classifications, Governmental Actions, and Consumer Protection Internet fraud is an increasing threat to our technological society, which thrives on the advances and benefits of the Internet and e-commerce. With the increased growth and dependence of the Internet, creative individuals have found ways of conveying fraudulent schemes as legitimate goodsRead MoreThe Dangers of CyberCrime Essay examples1905 Words   |  8 PagesTo what extent should the government be protecting the public from the dangers of the Internet? The Internet has revolutionized the way people live their lives around the globe. Aside from making much of the world’s information available to the average person, it has become a large force in the world economy. The number of global Internet users is growing by large amounts every day and criminals have taken notice. Because of this growth, computer-based crimes are increasing at a substantial rateRead MoreEbay Case Analysis1323 Words   |  6 PageseBay: Dominance in the On-line Industry eBay is The World’s Online Marketplace ®. Founded in 1995, eBay created a powerful platform for the sale of goods and services by a passionate community of individuals and businesses. On any given day, there are millions of items across thousands of categories for sale on eBay and its subsidiaries, half.com and shopping.com, to name a few (â€Å"eBay Inc Outlines Global Business Strategy†, 2000.) Retrieved October 31, 2008 from http://investor.ebay.com). eBayRead MoreEbay Is The Leading Global Brand For Online Auctions1182 Words   |  5 Pagesleading global brand for online auctions. The company is a giant marketplace used by more than 100 million people to buy and sell all manner of things to each other. The brand has grown tremendously over the decade or so since its conception. World’s largest internet marketplace. eBay has more than 150 million live listings and more than 105 million active users globally in 37 countries. That makes eBay the largest marketplace online, having a great power over other online retailers. Business modelRead MoreThe Swot Analysis Of Ebay Inc1484 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: EBay Inc is a worldwide online retailer and auction industry that operate a web-based marketplace for all individuals to buy or sell anything online. In order to understand the business environment of eBay, we will first need to understand eBay’s internal and external environment. In order to do so, we have to analyze the SWOT analysis of eBay. EBay consists of many strengths that have made it one of the top online marketplace. In contrast, eBay also have many weaknesses that they areRead MoreThe Swot Analysis Of Ebay Inc1485 Words   |  6 PagesEBay Inc is a worldwide online retailer and auction industry that operate a web-based marketplace for all individuals to buy or sell anything online. In order to understand the business environment of eBay, we will first need to understand eBay’s internal and external environment. In order to do so, we have to analyze the SWOT analysis of eBay. EBay consists of many strengths that have made it one of the top online marketplace . In contrast, eBay also has many weaknesses that they are unable to overcomeRead MoreInternet Scam1309 Words   |  6 PagesTopic : Internet Scam Thesis Statement : Why many students victimized in Internet Scam? The aim of this chapter Chapter 1 : I.Introduction The aim of this chapter is to give an overview of Internet fraud in general. The Internet fraud definition, types and examples will be discussed. The chapter identifies some web applications that are suffering from Internet fraud as well as some statistics for Internet fraud impact. It also presents some existing techniques and strategies to detect and preventRead MoreOnline Counterfeit Crime: An Analysis of Treadwells Article on Criminology and Criminal Justice936 Words   |  4 Pagesboot to booting it up? eBay, online counterfeit crime and the transformation of the criminal marketplace Criminology Criminal Justice 12(2): 175-191. Although the online marketplace has offered many exciting opportunities to consumers to sample new products they would not otherwise have access to, it has also offered new opportunities for dealers in counterfeit goods to unload their wares on unsuspecting customers. According to Treadwell (2011), the online auction site eBay is a popular place

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What High School Is Free Essays

â€Å"What High School Is,† is a chapter from a book called Horace’s Compromise: The Dilemma of American High School, and was written by Theodore R. Sizer in 1984. Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on What High School Is? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sizer starts the chapter out with a story of a typical boy named mark who is in the eleventh grade. In this story the author describes in detail how Mark spends one of his time blocked days in high school. Mr. Sizer feels it is important to analyze how Mark spends his time because he feels it is a reflection, with some degree of variation, of how most high school students spend their time in school. Mr. Sizer argues, â€Å"taking subjects† in a systematized, conveyer-belt way is what is what one does in high school (Sizer). He feels that this process is not related to the rhetorical goals of education; however, it is tolerated by most Americans. In addition, Mr. Sizer argues that there is little demand for synthesis of subjects and that courses are too broad and there is just not enough time to cover all the material. â€Å"The school schedule is a series of units of time: the clock is king†¦ ow much time do I have with my kids, is the teacher’s key question† (Sizer pg. 40). School periods are about fifty minute each and students and teacher have a few minutes to go from class to class. Mr. Sizer argues that going from class to class gives the school day a kind of restless and hectic quality and provides the students with many distractions. Mr. Seizer point is strong, restlessness and distractions seem to go hand and hand here, once the children enter t he class they must be resettled and their attention refocused leaving even less time for learning. In addition, most schools have at least one class that is called a â€Å"split class†. During â€Å"split classes† the student starts their class period, then, half way through it is interrupted so they can go to lunch or attend another activity. After they have finished lunch or the other activity they then return for the second half of their class, talk about hectic, restless, and distracting. However, Mr. Sizer does not address the some of the strengths of taking subjects, for example, the importance of responsibility, punctuality, and time management kills acquired through this type of scheduling. Another point that Mr. Sizer argues is that there is little demand for synthesis of subjects; they are just loosely related. He feels that two or more subjects should be tapped in order to solve a complex problem as learning opportunity. In addition, Mr. Sizer argues that schools feel that covering all the material within the subject is key, however, the material is only à ¢â‚¬Å"supposedly covered† because many of these courses are too broad and there is just not enough time. This point is strong, which leaves little room for change or new creative ways to learn. Mr. Sizer points out that the opposition will always challenge and usually win against new creative ideas on learning with statements such as, â€Å"what may be thus forgone†, â€Å"we won’t be able to get to programming or Death of a Salesman†, and â€Å"there isn’t time† (Sizer). This kind of scheduling is too rigid and too broad, thus, making it almost impossible for any type of change. In conclusion, Mr. Sizer does not look too fondly on our countries education system, he argues, taking subjects† in a systematized, conveyer-belt way is what is what one does in high school. He feels that this process is not related to the rhetorical goals of education; however, it is tolerated by most Americans. Lastly, Mr. Sizer argues that there is little demand for synthesis of subjects and that courses are too broad and that this type of scheduling too rigid. How to cite What High School Is?, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Beowulf Part 1 Essay Example For Students

Beowulf Part 1 Essay BeowulfPart IThe Anglo-Saxons were the members of the Germanic peoples who invaded England. They were people of their own time, language and culture. In the Anglo-Saxon adventure filled tale of Beowulf, the heron Beowulf was, at the time, considered the modern day superman. His character exemplifies the Germanic hero, and consequently the Anglo-Saxon ideal: strong, fearless, bold, loyal, and stoic in his acceptance of fate. With the absence of courtesy, his important role in society and his ideals of chivalry, Beowulf was the definition of a hero in his own time. This novel develops the theme that with honor towards chivalry and faith in yourself, anything can be accomplished. To be a hero in the Anglo-Saxon period, you proved yourself by doing good deeds, showing honor and exemplifying bravery. But with all of his amazing characteristics, Beowulf had a hard time proving his courtesy. A Knight, a hero in the near future, was not one to be as outspoken of his capabilities as Beowulf, even though they did both have the same roles in society and honor towards chivalry. Two qualities that did make Beowulf look a lot more heroic, unlike his absence of courtesy. Beowulfs role in society was almost identical to that of a Knight. Only, unlike the Knight, Beowulf made the choice to have this role in society. He was considered the strongest warrior around. He could fight anything, and would easily fight for his King and country. Beowulf knew of his power and strengths and probably considered this to be his role in society, to serve and to protect his country and those in need. This honor gives a good example of Beowulfs heroism. With any quality of Beowulf, chivalry was probably his most recognizable. If anything, Beowulf had the up most respect for his King. He loved him and honored him with all of his heart. If asked to do anything by the King, Beowulf would accept with pride. Even if Beowulf did not have courtesy, his role in society and honor towards chivalry expressed his beliefs and proved his heroism. The theme, with honor towards chivalry and faith in yourself, anything can be accomplished, is developed in this novel. The Anglo-Saxon ideals of being strong, fearless, bold and loyal were exactly the qualities that Beowulf carried with him. The ideals of heroism vary differently from generation to generation. But with courtesy, roles in society, and chivalry, you are bound to have similarities with other heroes. With Beowulf, his honor and pride made him a hero of his own time. English Essays

Friday, November 29, 2019

Single Sex Schools free essay sample

Pro-Con Essays On Single-Sex Schools The advantages and disadvantages of single-sex schools are still debated in the field of education. As the name implies, single-sex schools or single-sex education separate male and female students so that they learn in either all male or all female classrooms and environments. This was a common practice in the past but fell out of favor with charges of unequal access to quality education and opportunities for female students. The advantages and disadvantages of single-sex schools are the focus of pro-con essays on single-sex schools.Are single-sex schools better than coed schools? Who benefits and who loses from single-sex education? Can separate but equal be attained in single-sex education? These are just some of the questions addressed in pro-con essays on single-sex schools. Also, keep in mind that pro-con essays on single-sex schools are similar to distance learning essays, school inclusion essays and essays on the pros and cons of homeschooling as all are concerned with how we deliver quality education to children. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Sex Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some of the advantages of single-sex schools to discuss in pro-con essays on single-sex schools include the following: 1) in single sex schools boys tend to become less competitive and become more collaborative thereby learning the value of cooperation; 2) conversely, girls learn how to become more competitive and feel less threatened by the competition from boys; 3) single-sex schools allow male students to feel more comfortable with subjects that are considered more ‘feminine’ such as language, music and the arts and girls are allowed to feel more comfortable learning subjects that are considered more ‘masculine’ such as math, science, and engineering; and 4) single-sex schools eliminate some of the social pressure of dating and interacting with the opposite sex that is so significant in coed schools. Pro-con essays on single-sex schools should elaborate upon and explain these advantages. The disadvantages of single-sex education should also be detailed in pro-con essays on single-sex schools.These disadvantages include evidence that students who have attended single-sex schools have trouble adjusting to the coed environment of higher education and that the lack of diversity in single-sex schools is limiting and does not prepare students for the real world. Also, many find the notion of single-sex schools incongruous with the notion of equal opportunity. These potential disadvantages need to be listed in pro-con essays on single-sex schools also. A comparison of the personal development and academic achievements of students in single-sex schools with those in coed schools can also be helpful to provide in pro-con essays on single-sex schools. Single Sex Schools free essay sample Whether high school or college, single-gender schools are generally considered the cream of the crop. Parents believe that if they take their children to all-boys or all-girls schools they will receive a better education that is more targeted toward their childs gender, without the distractions of the opposite sex. There are others on the other hand who believe that students in these types of schools do not necessarily benefit from single-gender education. However within the last ten years, the number of single sex schools has increased rapidly because educators are constantly searching for ways to better educate children. Due to the social problems among teenagers that have a different mind-set than their parents that start dating at the young age, some parents may prefer to send their children to single-sex schools. There are many advantages and disadvantages of single-sex schools that show single-sex schools should be or not to be promoted in Malaysia. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Sex Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Study in single-sex schools makes the students concentrate on what is more important at this age: education. Some educationalist believe that teenagers who study in single-sex schools help to avoid the attractions of opposite sex. The students study in mixed-sex schools, they might be interact with each other, and have relationship with their schoolmates. If they are not carefully, they may get themselves into unplanned pregnancies troubles and problems. Single-sex schools provides a chance to overcome the fear of stereotypes. Girls can study easier in physics, technology, math, and computers subject in the environment because they dont have to compete with the boys, while boys also can participate in some non-macho activities, like poetry, dramatics, art history, and music without having worry on their image. This breaking of stereotypes helps to increase the confidence of students studying in single gender educational institutions. Laird Harrison’s article, â€Å"A Classroom in which you can speak your mind,† shows an overview of how single-sex education could stimulate boys and girls to focus their attention on study. (Maria F. Alvarez, Ms. Al Askari, ESL 13, Composition III; 2nd October 2006. ) Harrison states that girls and boys learn differently and how girls may learn better without the presence of boys because they can speak out and ask questions, feeling then more confident. However, It has not been proved that girls in single-gender schools get better grades than in traditional schools, says Eliot Jones in the August 2009 issue of the International Debate Education Association. Study in single-sex schools may bring along with several social issues, such as interactions between both genders, lack of diversity, and so on. Males and females regularly interact both socially as well as professionally in their daily lives. When students attend single-sex schools, they unable successfully interact with members of the opposite sex, and may encourage an inability to understand each other, thereby increasing negative future interactions. Students may set up for failure in future social situations that the lack of diversity a single-sec school create. For example, effective social cues and relationship building skills come through first-hand experience. As a result, they may face difficulty in their social life when they adjusting to co-ed environments because they do not have the right skills in dealing with people. The lack of opportunities for normal social progression also need to be concern. In conclusion, having teenagers study in single-sec schools may brings more disadvantages for their education and also their future social situations. In my opinion, as I came from mixed-sex schools, I truly believe that mixed-sex school is a better choice for the students. I disagree to promote single-sex schools in Malaysia due to the disadvantages that given. Single Sex Schools free essay sample Questions 1. Do single-sex schools better educate children? (Neutral) 2. Do boys and girls distract each other from their studies? (Neutral) 3. Would single-sex schools be consistent with today’s society of equality between men and women? (Neutral) Issue Summary I oppose single sex school especially since women have fought hard to serve alongside men in combat and completive jobs that only men served in at one time. It sounds like regressing to me. A 2004 statement from the American Association of University Women says, â€Å"Single-sex classrooms distract from real problems in schools and would throw out the most basic legal standards prohibiting sex discrimination in education. † One study evaluated cognitive tests attempted by boys and girls from single sex and mixed sex education system . It was found that boys in single-sex schools did not have higher test scores than boys in coeducational schools and that girls experienced no statistically significant positive effects of single-sex school enrollment (LePore and Warren , 1997) It really serves no purpose and there is no data that shows that by separating boy and girls while educating them will make them better citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Sex Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If it is about the achievement gaps, there are other ways to close gaps that are proven, such as, smaller class sizes and extra training for teachers. â€Å"People are looking for a single silver bullet, but there’s no quick fix. † Our students have much to contribute to each other, and students of all ages benefit from being engaged in activities and learning in the company of the opposite sex. In the classroom, learning experiences need to resemble real-world life experiences. How can we prepare students for future families, homes, and workplaces without exposing them to members of the opposite sex? How can we expect them to learn to respect and appreciate gender differences as adults if we do not teach them to form healthy relationships and have positive interactions and appropriate dialogues now? As educators, our efforts should not be driven by how we can separate students to minimize distractions but by how we can bring all students together to maximize learning.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Mass Media Implications

like â€Å"sharing,† â€Å"participation, and â€Å"association† (Carey, 1992). In contrast to the transmission view of communication, which emphasizes the movement of messages through space, the ritual view of communication emphasizes the maintenance of an ordered, meaningful cultural world based in time. The separation between these two views is more easily understood when concentrating on a specific comparison, such as â€Å"Today† and the â€Å"NBC Nightly News.† The September 26th episode of â€Å"Today† was completely based on the tragic terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11th. The program included segments such as current updates on the events occurring in Afghanistan, relief efforts thus far, toys for kids in trying times, the impact... Free Essays on Mass Media Implications Free Essays on Mass Media Implications Ideological Implications of the Mass Media News programs like the â€Å"Today† show and the â€Å"NBC Nightly News† are sources of mass communication for the American population. Mass communication does not allow for heterogeneous, isolated individuals. Through the media, people are united with general ideas and perceptions. Thousands of people turn on their televisions every morning and every evening to catch up on current issues and debates. However, how representative are these productions? Do they fully reflect the actual, historical time? The production of these television shows is an act in which the audience is not given unaltered information; rather, they are presented with a portrayal of American ideologies and assumptions. Individuals do not gain pure information from the news. Instead, they gain an understanding for a particular view of worldly events. News is not complete; however, it is not artificial either. By representing the underlying order of things, media is a conglomeration of the drama of this social world. This sacred act that is commonly associated with news media is a ritual view of communication. Carey compares the ritual view of communication to words like â€Å"sharing,† â€Å"participation, and â€Å"association† (Carey, 1992). In contrast to the transmission view of communication, which emphasizes the movement of messages through space, the ritual view of communication emphasizes the maintenance of an ordered, meaningful cultural world based in time. The separation between these two views is more easily understood when concentrating on a specific comparison, such as â€Å"Today† and the â€Å"NBC Nightly News.† The September 26th episode of â€Å"Today† was completely based on the tragic terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11th. The program included segments such as current updates on the events occurring in Afghanistan, relief efforts thus far, toys for kids in trying times, the impact...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Effect of Clinical Simulation on Student Self-Efficacy in learning Dissertation - 1

The Effect of Clinical Simulation on Student Self-Efficacy in learning - Dissertation Example Cases like these point to the value of clinical simulation in nursing education to help empower such students in being able to handle challenging tasks and situations in their own practice. Clinical simulation is defined by Waxman (2010) as a teaching methodology that provides students with learning experiences closely resembling real-life circumstances that they are likely to encounter in their professional practice. â€Å"Simulated clinical experience requires immersing students in a representative patient-care scenario, a setting that mimics the actual environment with sufficient realism to allow learners to suspend disbelief† (p.29). Specific to nursing education is the utilization of a lifelike high-fidelity manikin which provides a high level of interactivity and realism to nursing students during their simulation proceedings (Jeffries, 2007). The integration of simulation in the nursing education curricula is welcomed by nurse educators as a new and effective method tha t promises to prepare the students better for a future in the nursing profession as competent and confident health workers. Setting up a clinical simulation situation takes much time, planning and effort that draws its information from theories and professional experiences (Waxman, 2010). The complexity of clinical simulation raises the question if it does improve a student’s self-efficacy to be a more efficient professional or leave the student overwhelmed with the probable challenges he or she will face in practice. Self-efficacy is one indicator of an individual’s perception of how well prepared he or she is in being able to successfully accomplish tasks (Bandura, 1977, 1986). Further, Bandura (2004) explains that: â€Å"Efficacy beliefs influence goals and aspirations. The stronger the perceived self-efficacy, the higher the goals people set for themselves and the firmer their commitment to them. Self-efficacy beliefs also determine how obstacles and impediments a re viewed. Those of high efficacy view impediments as surmountable by improvement of self-management skills and perseverant effort† (p. 145). Topic This study will explore clinical simulation as a new method of learning in nursing education. It will discuss the corresponding cognitive and affective processes that the student undergoes during the simulation and follow through if it is indeed an effective strategy in the improvement of student efficacy. The research problem The research problem posed for this study is â€Å"How does clinical simulation affect a student’s self-efficacy in learning in Nursing education?† Background and justification. The current demands of health care necessitate more aggressive training of health care professionals in order to address the growing needs of an industry that is besieged with a multitude of illnesses. More and more diseases come up with symptoms that may be unusual. These may pose a huge challenge to new nurses who have been trained in the traditional approaches of lectures, discussions, role-play and laboratory practice, as these may no longer be effective (Waxman, 2010). A nurse needs to be thoroughly trained in various areas and has amassed enough experiences to be able to carefully discern his or her next moves. Such moves may be crucial to the treatment and safety of the patient and thus,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing plan for homecare organization Carewatch UK Term Paper

Marketing plan for homecare organization Carewatch UK - Term Paper Example The intention of this study is Carewatch UK. The company is a world leader in providing homecare services to elderly, or medically unfit people, it also provides a substitute to nursing and residential care and, and is the leading homecare service providers in UK. The company today offers practical, personal and complex care to more than 23,000 clients that also include people with behavioral problems, mental issues, and learning disabilities. The company provides personalized services based on individual needs of the client that deals mainly in personal care, home care and medical care. It has become one of the largest companies in homecare sector across the globe and the company has set its business by focusing upon individual customers and their needs. At present, the market analysis for Carewatch seems to be positive. There are a number of prominent benefits to the company in various markets across UK. The company offers personalized services through care and support workers that assist the consumer in different ways such as practical support with light domestic duties, shopping, washing, getting ready, and cleaning, and companionship. The company also provides complex care services in the wake of illness, nursing (long and short term), hospital discharge, and specialist support for mental health conditions. The company offers person centered services that are designed to give flexibility, choice and control; and assist people who remain at home or are forced to remain at home following poor health conditions, people who need early intervention, and respite care. The practical Suppo

Monday, November 18, 2019

Myth. Why did myth survive the scientific and philosophic challenges Essay

Myth. Why did myth survive the scientific and philosophic challenges of the classical Greek world - Essay Example Why did the myth survive the scientific and philosophical challenges of the classical Greek world? Introduction: Myth is some idea or a belief which is absurd and fictitious and has originated in the prehistoric times which came into being naturally and inevitably. The myths developed due to the fact that the inhospitable environment that the primitive man encountered. The origin of the myth during the prehistoric times or during the childhood of mankind might due to two reasons: one may be the fear that might have been created during an occurrence of the natural phenomenon such as thunder or storm for example, and another might be as a remembrance of the events of the past. So, as the history of the mankind developed, the language and the practices also developed along with the myth. The religion, rituals and the myths are all developed in parallel but are distinct from one another. The myths have a great part in the development of the religion. However, equating the myth with the r eligion is not possible. Myth is the response of the mankind to the natural environment (Graff, Fritz., et al., 1996). Over the centuries, Greek culture developed and underwent many changes in this context of the myths. Until a few centuries the Greeks were supporting myths and after the eighteenth century the Greeks used to refer the word myth by ‘muthos’ which means stories and words and started defending with the evidence of the scientific evidences and facts referred by ‘logos’. ... So the first thing is that the myth is developed out of lack of explanations. Explanations: Myth seemed to have strong thoughts on the areas where the scientific and reasoning does not produce the results. To explain briefly, myth plays a strong role where the reasoning doesn’t seem much to offer. For example, in the case to speculate what happens after the death. A common explanation is that death is a fact and can occur to anybody regardless of their age and status of their living. If we reason out this fact the next immediate question arises is that what would happen after death and it would be related to the good and the bad lives the individual had lived through out his / her lifetime. So in order to explain this question it is sorted out that the soul of those who lived good lives would go to the Elysium and the soul of those who lived bad lives would go to the Tartarus and punished to the degree of unpleasantness. Another part where the myth played its role is the place where there is unreliable and nonexistent of historical evidences. So these kinds of explanations depend on the social, cultural and the educational background of the believer and what is actually believed. Reinforcement: The reinforcement of the political, social and ethical position of the subject in the context might also be a reason for the explanations of the myths. For example the Roman emperor Nero used to identify him with Gods in order to manipulate his image. In order to impress this myth the emperor image was cast in the coins by the architects which would image him as a god. Issues: The issues which created as a result of the reinforcement of the authority are social and cultural tensions, and dilemmas. Therefore a myth could be changed and manipulated to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Porous Multishell Hollow Cu2O Microspheres Experiment

Porous Multishell Hollow Cu2O Microspheres Experiment Preparation of Porous MultishellHollow Cu2O Microspheres and their catalytic activity in photodegradation of Rhodamine-B Lingling Sun, Deyan Han*, Ruirui Haoà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’Guohong Wang* Abstract In this study, Porous Multishell Hollow Cu2O Microspheres were fabricated by One-Pot solvothermal method of copper(II) with glutamic acid under 160à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™. The as-prepared monodisperse Cu2O hollow microspheres were characterized by Xà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), photoluminescence (PL), and thermogravimetryà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­differential thermal analysis (TGà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­DTA). The formation of hydroxyl radicals ( ·OH) on the surface of UVà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­illuminated Cu2O is probed by photoluminescence using terqaephthalic acid as a probe molecule. The photocatalytic activity of monodisperse Cu2O hollow microspheres have been tested by degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) and PL spectral changes of terephthalic acid under UV light. The results showed that the optimum add of glutamic acid is 0.05g and reaction time was 24h, respectively. Introduction Transition metal oxides with different nanostructures have drawn much attention in recent years because of their fascinating applications in optoelectronics and outstanding structureal flexibility combined with unique properties with potential applications.[10à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 17à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 19] So the transition metals oxides are an important class semiconductors. Among these transition metal oxides, Cuprous oxide ( Cu2O ) is a pà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­type semiconductor material with a narrow band gap (2 eV) and a large excition binding energy of 140 meV, it is non-toxic, inexpensive and abundand that widely used in photocatalysis, gas sensors, lithiumà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­ion batteries, electronics, solar energy conversion, magnetic storage, and so on. To date, different Cu2O nanostructures use capping agent or surface active agent have been synthesis, such as cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were widely used to synthesize Cu2O nano wires, Cu2O nanotubes, Cu2O nanothreads, Cu2O nanocubes, flowerà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­like Cu2O, urchin-like Cu2O, hollow Cu2O spheres. Hollow spheres have attracted great interest because of their special properties including low density, high surface area, good surface permeability and distinct optical properties. [15] Wang’s group add of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide developed a facile room temperature solution route for synthesis of doubleà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­wall Cu2O hollow spheres. Zeng et al. [9] reported the preparation of hollow Cu2O nanospheres from a reductive conversion of aggregated CuO nanocrystallites and the formation of CuO microspheres by a twoà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­tiered organizing scheme. However, the poor conductivity limite Cu2O further application. In the present work, Porous Multishell Hollow Cu2O Microspheres have been synthesized using oneà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­pot solvothermal method of copper nitrate with glutamic acid under 160à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ after different hydrothermal time. Morphological, structural and optical properties and thermal behavior of the products have been identified using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Xà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transformer infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, UV-visibleà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­NIR spectroscopy and thermogravimetryà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­differential thermal analysis (TGà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­DTA) and photoluminescence (PL). The other aim of present work is the investigation of the photocatalytic degradation of RhB under UVà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­light radiation at ambient temperature and using of Cu2O nanopowders synthesisd with different hydrothermal time. The porous Multishell Hollow Cu2O Microspheres exhibit a high photocatalytic activity due to the fact that Cu2O Microspheres have a high specific surface area and a larger band gap. Experimental 2.1 Synthesis of Hollow Cu2O Microspheres Analytical grade copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2 †¢3H2O, purity: 99.5%), Là ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­ glutamic acid, and Rhodamineà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­B (C28H31ClN2O3, purity: 99.5%) were purchased from SigmaAldrich and were used without further purification. Deionized water was used for all synthesis and posttreatment processes. In a typical synthesis, 0.645 g Cu(NO3)2 †¢3H2O and 0.05g glutamic acid were dissolved in 75 ml absolute ethanol stirred until Cu(NO3)2 †¢3H2O was completely dissolved to form a navyà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­biue solution. After filtered with the filter paper, the filtrate was then transferred into a stainless steel autoclave with a Teflon liner of 100 ml capacity and heated at 160 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ for different time. After cooling at room temperature, the product was centrifuged, washed with deionized water and absolute ethanol several times and dried in an oven at 60 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ for 12 h. 2.2 Characterization Xà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­ray diffraction (XRD) was used to identify product phases and cprresponding crystallite size. XRD patterns were obtained using a D8 Xà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­ray diffractometer (Bruker AXS, German) with CuKÃŽ ±1 radiation (ÃŽ » = 1.5406 Ã…). The accelerating voltage, emission current, and scanning speed were 40 kV, 49 mA and 0.02à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯/s, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed with a S3400 SEM (Rili, Japan) at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis was conducted using a Tecnai G20 microscope at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. The Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) of the samples were recorded on a Nicolet Forier 5700 spectrometer in the range of 400-4000 cm-1 using conventional KBr pellets. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the samples were measured at room temperature with a Hiachi FLà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­4500 fluorescence spectrophotometer, with an excitation wavelength of 315 nm, the scanning spee d is 1200 nm/min, and a PMT voltage of 700 V. The width of the excitation slit and emission slit was 5 nm. For thermal analysis, 10 mg of the dried Cu2O powders was used in TGà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­DTA thermal analyzer (Pyris Diamond TG/DTA) at a heating rate of 10à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯C/min from 20 to 800 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯C in an inert gas atmosphere. 2.3 Photocatalytic performance Photocatalytic activity of the Hollow Cu2O Microspheres was evaluated by the degradation RhB aqueous solution under a 15 W ultraviolet lamp at room temperature (ca. 20 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™). In each experiment, 0.04 mg of the prepared powders were dispersed in 30 ml of RhB aqueous solution with a concentrstion of 1.0Ãâ€"10-5 M in a rectangle cell (52W Ãâ€" 155L Ãâ€" 30H mm), and the solution was placed in the dark for 30min before illumination to ensure the establishment of an adsorption-desorption equilibrium between the photocatalyst powders and RhB. Then the solution was irradiated with a 30 mW/cm2 UV light (ÃŽ »=365 nm), and during irradiation about 3 ml of the suspension was taken from the mixture at regular intervals (20 min) and centrifuged to separate the photocatalyst particles. To determine the degree of degradation the supernatants was analyzed by a UVà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­vis spectrophotometer (Uà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­3010) to measure the concentration of RhB which exhibits characteristi c absorption at 554 nm [11] 2.4 Analysis of hydroxyl radical ( ·OH) The formation rates of hydroxyl radicals ( ·OH) on the surface of the UVà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­illuminated Cu2O were performed by a photoluminescence (PL) method using terephthalic acid as a probe molecule method as follows. 0.04 g of Cu2O powder sample was dispersed in a 30 ml of 5 Ãâ€" 10-4 M terephthalic acid aqueous solution with a concentration of 2 Ãâ€" 10-3 M NaOH in a dish with a diameter of about 9.0 cm. The experiment was carried out under UV irradiation using a 15 W ultraviolet lamp (25 cm above the dishes). The average light intensity striking on the surface of the reaction solution was about 30 mW cm-2, as measured by a UV radiometer with the peak intensity of 365 nm. PL spectra of generated luminescent 2à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­hydroxyterephtalic acid (TAOH) were measured on a Hiachi FLà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­4500 fluorescence spectrophotometer. After UV irradiation for every 15 min, the reaction solution was à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ltrated to measure the increase of the PL intensity at 390 nm of TAOH ex cited by 315 nm light. Results and Discussion 3.1 XRD analysis The crystalline structures of the as-prepared samples were examined by Xà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­ray diffraction. Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of the asà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­prepared samples synthesized with different amounts of glutamic acid. The results illustrate that with increase glutamic acid from 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 0.05 to 0.06 g all the samples appear the sphere Cu2O[JCPDS No, 01à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­1142]. For the samples prepared with the amount of glutamic acid below 0.05 g, the intermediate product copper hydroxynitrate is dominant, but there is a amount of sphere Cu2O found in it. The peak at 2ÃŽ ¸ = 12.8 ° corresponds to the (011) plane diffraction of the copper hydroxynitrate [JCPDS No, 03-0061], with the amount of glutamic acid increase the diffraction peak of copper hydroxynitrate become weaker to disappears and the sphere Cu2O peaks intensities steadily become stronger, implying that glutamic acid acted as a reducing agent in the reaction process. To investigate the growth process of porous multishell hollow Cu2O microspheres, time-dependent experiments were studied by hydrothermal reaction. Fig. 2 shows that the products obtained at 160 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ with 0.05 g glutamic acid for 2 h are 5à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  ÃŽ ¼m hollow microspheres were wellà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­crystallize but still the intermediate product copper hydroà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­xynitrate. With increase reaction time to 24 h, the intermediate product copper hydroxynitrate complete transformed into cubic symmetry Cu2O, no obvious diffraction peaks of impurities were observed, indicating the high purity of the synthesized products. Also the intense and sharp diffraction peaks indicate that well crystallized Cu2O nanocrystalss can be obtained under reaction time is 24 h. But further prolongation of reaction time to 48 h resulted in the intensities of the diffraction pesks of Cu2O are not increase significantly. It can be founded that with increase in reaction time the intensity o f diffraction peaks increased, indicating the improvement in the crystallinity. [8] The diffraction peaks becomes narrower as the reaction time increased, indicating the increase in the crystallite size. 3.2 FTIR Studies. Fig. 4 showed the FTIR spectra of the Cu2O samples synthesized with additi0on of different amount of glutamic acid in the region of 400à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­4000 cm-1, which are relate to IR-active fundamental vibrations of Cu2O itself and vibrations associated with surface adsorbates. The intense vibrational bands at 3000-3600 cm-1 were attributed to Oà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­H stretching vibrations and at ~1635 cm-1 corresponded to Hà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­Oà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­H bending vibration all of surface adsorbed H2O. [30] The bands at 3000-3600 cm-1 was split into two components centered at ~3184 and ~3403 cm-1, corresponding to chemically adsorbed water complexes and physically adsorbed H2O, respectively . Besides, the IR band ~1346 cm-1 and ~1652 cm-1 are assigned to the surface monodentate carbonate-like (CO3) and bicarbonate species (HCO3) vibrational modes that because of adsorbed CO2 from the atmosphere. A metal oxide generally gives absorption bands below ~1000 cm-1 that arises from stretching vibration mode of Mà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­O bond. So the IR-active fundamental vibrations of Cu2O nanocrystals appear in 400à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­1000 cm-1, the band at 456 cm-1 and 633 cm-1 are attributed to the stretching vibrations of Cu1+à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­O bond confirm the formation of Cu2O phase. 3.3 SEM and TEM images. 3.4 Mechanism for the formation of porous multishell hollow Cu2O microspheres The formation of porous multishell hollow Cu2O microspheres can be explained by a self-transformation process of the metastable aggregated particles accompanied by the Ostwald ripening [11à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 31].Similar mechanisms have been involved in the preparation of Cu2O, TiO2 and CdMoO4 hollow spheres [31]. The formation of mechanism of porous multishell hollow Cu2O microspheres in this work is proposed as illustrated as illustrated in Fig. During the Ostwald ripening process in order to reduce the higher surface energy, the crystallites at the central relocate themselves to the shell that formed the hollow structures. [14] Initially in the synthesis process, under the 160 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ hydrothermalconditions the uniform distribution of Cu2+ ions combine with glutamic acid to form Cu2(OH)3NO3 as intermediate hollow microsphereà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­template. The aggregated spherical particles have many voids in the surface, the reducing angent quickly though the channels in the intermedi ate hollow microsphereà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­template precipitate product in the internal surface of the shell form double shells. Also the internal microsphere sueface is loosely with many voids that not used up intermediate would grow third shells on the inner double shells and so on. At last form porous multishell hollow Cu2O microspheres. With the solvothermal time increase, glutamic acid contributed to the morphological evolution on the microstructure transformation and acted as a reducing agent the copper (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¡) reduced to copper (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚  ), last cuprous oxide precipitated out because it have a low solubility in ethanol. 3.5 Photocatalytic Activity. The photocatalytic activities of the asà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­prepared porous multishell hollow Cu2O microspheres were ecaluated by photocatalytic degradation of RhB dye in aqueous solution under UVà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­light irradiation at room temperature. The RhB characteristic absorption at 554 nm was chosen to monitor the amount of RhB left during photocatalytic degradation process. Fig. 6 shows the UVà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­vis absorption spectrum of the RhB aqueous solution in the presence of (0.04 g) porous multishell hollow Cu2O microspheres under UVà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­light irradiation. For comparison, the photocatalytic activities of the Cu2O nanoparticles synthesized were all evaluated under the same conditions. It is observed that with time extended the absorption peaks of RhB diminish gradually, indicating the photocatalytic degradation of RhB. During the whole process there is no new absorption peak appear indicates the complete photodegradation of RhB. It can be seen that the samples of use 0.05g glutamic acid at solvothermally treated time increased from 2h to 48h, the degradation rate increase from 8.43% to 35.78%. Among them solvothermally treated 24h show the best performance, which show a 55.3% decrease of RhB after 40 min UV irradiation. Based on the above experimental results, this is not surprising because of the Cu2O band gap is 2.17 eV and it can be excited by photons with wavelengths below 349 nm (our light source is 365 nm UV light). [P2499] Also the unique porous multishell hollow structure which can be considered as an ideal transport way for reactant and product molecules moving in or out of the photocatalyst, making the chemical reactions occurring more quickly and easily. According to the present study nanoparticles size and crystalline nature play an important role in influence the photocatalytic activity.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Children of the City :: essays research papers

Water Imagery in â€Å"Children of the City†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rain has always been an important symbol in life. It is one of very few actions that can be both destructive and harsh, but at the same time constructive and life-giving. Throughout literature the visual image of rain is usually connected to feelings of sorrow, death, and despair. The most commonly known example of this would be in Hemingway’s â€Å"Farewell to Arms†. Hemingway uses the rain to tell of peoples negative emotions, so it is easy to take that idea into other readings. Outside of literature, however, rain is seen as being connected to positive thoughts of growth, prosperity and cleansing. In this story of adolescent love the author uses the presence of water to saturate the subjects with these positive feelings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning the author introduces the rain as â€Å"urban† in contrast to â€Å"field or shore† rain. Immediately the image of urban rain is less threatening than that of a field or shore. It gives the reader a playful image of almost being teased by the rain. In the city one has to hide from it and jump from umbrellas to awnings, yet never has to worry about the danger of being caught in it for too long. These playful and teasing characteristics of the rain are the exact guidelines to the relationship between the two main characters. The rain represents the couple’s emotion and they experiment with it just like in a real adolescent relationship. They see how long they can be drenched by its passion, nevertheless they return to the overhangs not knowing how much of it they can handle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Looking at it in a biblical sense, the rain is both destructive to them and helping their relationship grow. God sent the flood down to man because of our sins causing much destruction, but at the same time giving us a rebirth and purification. Too much rain may flood their relationship with emotion; however this â€Å"urban† rain teases them and lets them feel free and pure. The idea of the rain giving growth to their relationship is seen in the lines ending â€Å"a scrawny tree,† and â€Å"their forested way†. Alone they are fruitless and scrawny, yet together they are given life by the rain to create an entire forest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conversely, after all that the rain has provided them with the author’s last mention is that of a negative connotation.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Leadership Traits and Principles

The United States Marine Corps has been one of the most powerful military branches in the world for more than twenty-three decades. The most important things that have kept this organization as prestigious and powerful as it is are the famous leadership traits, leadership principles, corps values and the leaders that uphold those traits. Without these structures, this leadership hierarchy this â€Å"gun club† would not have lasted this long. The next thousand or so words will help explain those traits, principles and corps values that we hold so high. The first leadership principle that will be discussed is one that was first thought to me through Drill Instructors training us for PFT’s and CFT’s or whenever we would feel like giving up. That leadership principle is â€Å"know yourself and seek self improvements†. This principle was always an important one; it meant that there is always something you can do to make yourself better. It involves knowing your strength and weakness’ and working on making them better. Knowing ones strength and weakness is the basis of formulating a reliable, bullet proof strategy that will get you in and out of any situation. For example the recent evens that occurred have made me look deeper into this principle, into my character, into my ability to improve myself more on the maturity domain. The Second principle that is also important is â€Å"Set the example† this principle is one of the bases of stability and leadership. Setting the example is a hard thing to do at times, it involves doing the right thing when no ones looking and when everyone’s looking. Setting the example is an important principle to have, because to become a leader you need to have the respect of your peers, they have to know they can trust you to do the right thing at the right time. And by my actions I demonstrated a lack of understanding of this principle and it is something I have to work on very hard because now, most of my peers and none of my superior trust me to do the right thing. The third leadership principle we are going to talk about is â€Å"Make sound and Timely decisions†. Being able to make sound and timely decision may be the difference between life and death for you or the Marines under your leadership or even your peers or superiors. Being able to make those kind of decisions require maturity, the understanding of right and wrong and the ability to weight consequences and the risk. If I had the maturity level necessary to stop myself from putting those chevrons on in the first place I would not be in this situation. Decision are what defines your character to others, it is what shows them who you are and what kind of though process you have and ultimately how reliable you are. â€Å"Be technically and tactically proficient† First off it means to know your job. As a Marine you must demonstrate your ability to accomplish what was assigned to you, and the ability to accomplish what was assigned to you, and to do that you must be capable of answering questions and demonstrate competence in your job specialty. Respect is the reward of the marine who shows competence. Tactical and technical competence can be learned from books and from job training. Seek a well rounded military education by attending service schools; and seeking off duty education. Seek out and associate with capable leaders. Observe and study their actions. Broaden your knowledge through association with members of other branches of the military. Seek opportunities to apply knowledge through the exercise of command. Good leadership is acquired only through practice. Prepare yourself for the job of leader at the next high rank. You are not done training for war once you've earned the title Marine, you are just getting started. These are things to keep in mind when trying to be proficient. â€Å"Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates† Another way to show your Marines that you are interested In their welfare is to give them the opportunity for professional development. Assigning tasks and delegating the authority to accomplish tasks promotes mutual confidence and respect between the leader and subordinates. It also encourages the subordinates to exercise initiative and to give wholehearted cooperation in the accomplishment of unit tasks. When you properly delegate authority, you demonstrate faith in your Marines and increase their desire for greater responsibilities. If you fail to delegate authority, you indicate a lack of leadership, and your subordinates may take it to be a lack of trust in their abilities. To develop this principle you should operate through the chain of command. Provide clear, well thought directions. Tell your subordinates what to do, not how to do it. Hold them responsible for results, although overall responsibility remains yours. Delegate enough authority to them to enable them to accomplish the task. Give your Marines frequent opportunities to perform duties usually performed by the next higher ranks. Be quick to recognize your subordinates’ accomplishments when they demonstrate initiative and resourcefulness. Correct errors in judgment and initiative in a way which will encourage the Marine to try harder. Avoid public criticism or condemnation. Give advice and assistance freely when it is requested by your subordinates. Let your Marines know that you will accept honest errors without punishment in return. Assign your Marines to positions in accordance with demonstrated or potential ability. Be prompt and fair in backing subordinates. Until convinced otherwise, have faith in each subordinate. â€Å"Know your Marines and look out for their welfare. † This is one of the most important of the principles. You should know your Marines and how they react to different situations. This knowledge can save lives. A Marine who is nervous and lacks self confidence should never be put in a situation where an important, instant decision must be made. Knowledge of your Marines' personalities will enable you, as the leader, to decide how to best handle each Marine and determine when close supervision is needed. To put this principle into practice successfully you should put your Marines' welfare before your own correct grievances and remove discontent. See the members of your unit and let them see you so that every Marine may know you and feel that you know them. Be approachable Get to know and understand the Marines under your command. Let them see that you are determined that they be fully prepared for battle. Concern yourself with the living conditions of the members of your unit. Help your Marines get needed support from available personal services. Protect the health of your unit by active supervision of hygiene and sanitation. Determine what your unit's mental attitude is; keep in touch with their thoughts. Ensure fair and equal distribution of rewards. Encourage individual development. Provide sufficient recreational time and insist on participation. Share the hardships of your Marines so you can better understand their reactions â€Å"Keep your Marines informed. † Marines by nature are inquisitive. To promote efficiency and morale, a leader should inform the Marines in his unit of all happenings and give reasons why things are to be done. This, of course, is done when time and security permit. Informing your Marines of the situation makes them feel that they are a part of the team and not just a cog in a wheel. Informed Marines perform better and, if knowledgeable of the situation, can carry on without your personal supervision. The key to giving out information is to be sure that the Marines have enough information to do their job intelligently and to inspire their initiative, enthusiasm, loyalty, and convictions. Techniques in applying this principle are to whenever possible; explain why tasks must be done and how you intend to do them. Assure yourself, by frequent inspections that immediate subordinates are passing on necessary information. Be alert to detect the spread of rumors. Stop rumors by replacing them with the truth. Build morale and esprit de corps by publicizing information concerning successes of your unit. Keep your unit informed about current legislation and Regulations affecting their pay, promotion, privileges, and other benefits. Ensure the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished. † This principle is necessary in the exercise of command. Before you can expect your Marines to perform, they must know first what is expected of them. You must communicate your instructions in a clear, concise manner. Talk at a level that your Marines are sure to understand, but not at a level so low that would insult their intelligence. Before your Marines start a task, allow them a chance to ask questions or seek advice. Supervision is essential. Without supervision you cannot know if the assigned task is being properly accomplished. Over supervision is viewed by subordinates as harassment and effectively stops their initiative. Allow subordinates to use their own techniques, and then periodically check their progress. The most important part of this principle is the accomplishment of the mission. All the leadership, supervision, and guidance in the world are wasted if the end result is not the successful accomplishment of the mission. In order to develop this principle you should ensure that the need for an order exists before issuing the order. Use the established chain of command. Through study and practice, issue clear, concise, and positive orders. Encourage subordinates to ask questions concerning any point in your orders or directives they do not understand. Question your Marines to determine if there is any doubt or misunderstanding in regard to the task to be accomplished. Supervise the execution of your orders. Make sure your Marines have the resources needed to accomplish the mission. Vary your supervisory routine and the points which you emphasize during inspections. â€Å"Train your Marines as a team. Every waking hour Marines should be trained and schooled, challenged and tested, corrected and encouraged with perfection and teamwork as a goal. When not at war, Marines are judged in 15-26peacetime roles: perfection in drill, dress, bearing and demeanor; shooting; self-improvement; and most importantly, performance. No excuse can be made for the failure of leaders to train their Marines to the highest state of physical condition and to instruct them to be the very best in the profession of arms. Train with a purpose and emphasize the essential element of teamwork. The sharing of hardships, dangers, and hard work strengthens a unit and reduces problems, it develops teamwork, improves morale and esprit and molds a feeling of unbounded loyalty and this is the basis for what makes men fight in combat; it is the foundation for bravery, for advancing under fire. Troops don't complain of tough training; they seek it and brag about it. Teamwork is the key to successful operations. Teamwork is essential from the smallest unit to the entire Marine Corps. As a Marine officer, you must insist on teamwork from your Marines. Train, play, and operate as a team. Be sure that each Marine knows his/her position and responsibilities within the team framework. When team spirit is in evidence, the most difficult tasks become much easier to accomplish. Teamwork is a two-way street. Individual Marines give their best, and in return the team provides the Marine with security, recognition, and a sense of accomplishment. â€Å"Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities. † Successful completion of a task depends upon how well you know your unit's capabilities. If the task assigned is one that your unit has not been trained to do, failure is very likely to result. Failures lower your unit's morale and self esteem. You wouldn't send a cook section to â€Å"PM† a vehicle nor would you send three Marines to do the job of ten. Seek out challenging tasks for your unit, but be sure that your unit is prepared for and has the ability to successfully complete the mission. â€Å"Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions. † For professional development, you must actively seek out challenging assignments. You must use initiative and sound judgment when trying to accomplish jobs that are not required by your grade. Seeking responsibilities also means that you take responsibility for your actions. You are responsible for all your unit does or fails to do. Regardless of the actions of your subordinates, the responsibility for decisions and their application falls on you. You must issue all orders in your name. Stick by your convictions and do what you think is right, but accept justified and constructive criticism. Never remove or demote a subordinate for a failure that is the result of your own mistake. The leadership principles are proven guidelines, which if followed, will substantially enhance your ability to be an effective leader. Keep in mind that your ability to implement these principles will influence your opportunity to accomplish the mission, to earn the respect of your fellow Marines, juniors and seniors, and to make you an effective leader. Make these principles work for you. There are fourteen leadership traits that a Marine must have. They are Bearing, courage, decisiveness, dependability, endurance, enthusiasm, initiative, integrity, judgment, justice, knowledge, loyalty, tact and unselfishness. Bearing is the ability to create a favorable impression in carriage, appearance, and personal conduct at all times. The ability to look, act, and speak like a leader whether or not these manifestations indicate one's true feeling. Courage is a mental quality that recognizes fear of danger or criticism, but enables a Marine to proceed in the face of it with calmness and firmness. It is also Knowing and standing for what is right, even in the face of popular disfavor. Decisiveness is the ability to make decisions promptly and to announce them in a clear, forceful manner. The quality of character which guides a person to accumulate all available facts in a circumstance, weigh the facts, choose and announce an alternative which seems best. Dependability is the certainty of proper performance of duty. It is a quality which permits a senior to assign a task to a junior with the understanding that it will be accomplished with minimum supervision. Endurance is the mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress, and hardship. Enthusiasm the display of sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of duty. Initiative is taking action in the absence of orders, being a self starter. Integrity is the Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principles. The quality of truthfulness and honesty. A Marine's word is his bond. Judgment is the ability to weigh facts and possible courses of action in order to make sound decisions. Justice is giving reward and punishment according to the merits of the case in question. Knowledge is the Understanding of a science or an art. The range of one's information. Loyalty is the quality of faithfulness to country, the Corps, and unit, and to one's seniors, subordinates, and peers. Tact is the ability to deal with others without creating hostility. Unselfishness is Avoidance of providing for one's own comfort and personal advancement at the expense of others. In September, President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation's most prestigious military award, to Sgt. Dakota Meyer, the marine who saved 36 of his comrades during an ambush in Afghanistan. Meyer was born June 26, 1988 in Columbia, Kentucky where he grew up and attended school. In 2006, after graduation from Green County High School, he enlisted in the Marine Corps at a recruiting station in Louisville, Kentucky and was sent to recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island. After completing training to be a United States Marine he deployed to Fallujah, Iraq, in 2007 as a Scout Sniper with 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines. He gained national attention for his actions in Afghanistan during his second deployment in Kumar province with Embedded Training Team 2-8. On September 8, 2009, near the village of Ganjgal, Meyer learned that three U. S. Marines and a U. S. Navy corpsman were missing after being ambushed by a group of insurgents. He charged into an area known to be inhabited by insurgents and under enemy fire. Meyer eventually found all four dead and stripped of their weapons, body armor, and radios. With the help of some friendly Afghan soldiers, he moved the bodies to a safer area where they could be extracted. During his search, Meyer â€Å"personally evacuated 12 friendly wounded, and provided cover for another 24 Marines and soldiers to escape likely death at the hands of a numerically superior and determined foe. † On November 6, 2010, the Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Amos told reporters during a visit to Camp Pendleton, California, that a living Marine had been nominated for the Medal of Honor. Two days later, Marine Corps Times, an independent newspaper covering U. S. Marine operations, reported that the unnamed individual was Meyer, citing anonymous sources. CNN confirmed the story independently two days later. On June 9, 2011, the Marine Corps announced that two other Marines on Meyer's team in Ganjgal would receive the Navy Cross, the second-highest award for valor a Marine can receive. Capt. Ademola D. Fabayo and Staff Sgt. Juan J. Rodriguez-Chavez were recognized for their roles in retrieving the Marines and corpsman. When President Barrack Obama's staff called Meyer to set up a time for the President to inform him that his case for the Medal of Honor had been approved, Meyer was working at his construction job and asked if they could please call him back when he was on his lunch break, which they later did. Dakota then returned to work. Meyer was awarded the Medal of Honor in a ceremony on September 15, 2011. When a White House staffer contacted Meyer to arrange the ceremony, the former Marine asked if he could have a beer with the President. He then received an invitation to the White House the afternoon before the ceremony. Meyer also requested that when he was honored, simultaneous commemorative services should be held at other associated locations to honor the memory of his colleagues who died or were mortally wounded during the ambush. Sgt Meyers by his actions demonstrated all fourteen leadership traits, all the leadership principles and gave an excellent demonstration of the corps values. I cannot compare myself to a man like that, he single handedly demonstrated, corps values, leadership principles and traits, and the leadership skills that are required of a Sgt of Marines, all of which I have failed to demonstrate or am still learning. As previously mentioned, the leadership traits and principles are guidelines. Guidelines that have helped the Marine Corps be part of the most powerful military in the world. Each of these principles, of those traits, corps values are set to help Marines be the best, be part of the best, and do their best in any given situation at any given time. Lack of these guidelines result in Marines making dumb, regrettable and unwise decisions. But it is the ability to learn from mistakes and grow from it. I have made a grave mistake; I have let down my instructors, my peers, and also myself. But I am also learning from my, understanding why something that didn’t look that grave, actually be that big, that important. I am learning that being an NCO is about more than just putting on chevrons on a collar, it is a state of mind, it is the ability to lead, t involves a higher level of maturity, it involves watching and studying your elders it is something you acquire through long years of blood, sweat, tears, dedication and more. I may not fully grasp the meaning, or the feeling of wearing these chevrons, but I believe that someday when I reach this rank through blood and sweat, I’ll realize how insulting it must have been to dare put these chevrons on.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Project Management Plan Employee Essay

Attracting skilled employees is often important and often difficult. Employers face major challenges when they consider the increasing difficulty of finding skilled people every company should have an employee incentive program if it is sales and especially for university enrollment advisors because they are the ones that bring business into the university. The project scope of Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 strict accreditation regulations and laws prevent the university from offering bonuses to employees who enroll students. The work breakdown structure for the employee incentive program consists of activities/attributes, milestones stakeholders, stakeholders needs, tools and techniques. Activities/attributes Create a list of creative ideas Have employees take a survey once a year Boost employee morale and set a goal for employees Provide a positive working environment Retain employees Diversity of activities Develop skills and potential Employees need to be more invo lved and engaged Communication to employees Milestones Approval of incentive program Incentives must follow rules/regulations Responsibilities Personal growth Stakeholders University, Student, Employees Rewards are financial and non-financial Submit ideas to stakeholders because then they will know what works best Recognize and reward employees Days off Company outings Paid vacations Stakeholders needs University needs money Employees need incentives rewards, appreciation Students need education Tools Techniques Direct approach networking Employees plus number of students who enroll Merit Increase Salary increase is based on the number of students the employee enrolls Use of an organizational chart to understand roles responsibilities Tell your employees how well they are doing Employee parking for the month The employer and the employee have to have a balanced practical reward strategic model to improve business results and align employees behavior. The employer should have organization capabilities, business strategy and organization structure that leads to an employment deal for competencies, demographics, and values. With that employment deal it leads to a total reward strategy with pay, benefit, learning and development, and a good work environment. The basic salaries of the project team members will not be changed. However, special compensation will be given for their overtime and travels related to the project. After the  project is completed, all team members will be evaluated and those who will receive satisfactory and very satisfactory performance appraisal result will be given financial rewards. The total reward policy should state that although contingent rewards play an important part in the reward policies of the organization other forms of non-financial reward are regarded as being equally important. The reward system is an important means of communication. The effective reward strategy consists of well-defined g oals and objectives, well designed pay and rewards programs according to the needs and an effective and supportive human resources department. The performance related pay can be based off score driven bonus, customer satisfaction surveys, shareholder returns profitability versus target, process excellence, learn and grow. These rewards can bring in some conflict with employees if some or one employee does not get any customer satisfaction surveys, absence of learning and development, lack of customer service awards, lack of relationship between pay and performance, pay levels and benefits entitlement strongly related to the length of service, and lack of variable of portion of pay. This is something that will have to be explained to all employees from the first day of hire. The considerations for rewards are the level of rewards, the relative importance attached to market rates and equity, attraction and retention, the relationships of rewards to business performance, and total reward policy, the scope for the use of contingent rewards related to performance, competence, contribution or skills, assimilation policies, the de gree of flexibility required, the role of line managers, involve employees in the design of reward system, communicate the reward policies to employees, transparency. Market rate and equity policy needs to be formulated on the extent to which rewards are market driven rather than equitable. Should obtain and keep high quality staff and response to market pressures. Market considerations will derive levels of pay in the organization. Attraction policies should have career prospects, training and development, intrinsic interest of the work, flexible working arrangements, and work life balance. Retention policies should consist of Talent management (attraction and retention of quality employees). Talent management policies are to attract employees, to develop employees, rretain employees, and mmotivate employees. Talent management process is wwork life balance, lleadership qualities of line managers,  recognition, cconducting talent audits. Assimilation policies is how existing employees should be assimilated into revised pay structure such as red circling (identifying and dealing with overpaid people) and Green circling (identifying and dealing wi th underpaid people). The three performance measurement practices to be compared in this presentation are written, confidential evaluation non-confidential evaluation, and oral evaluation. Written, confidential evaluation can be conducted by a project manager. Since it is confidential, the results are not shown to the employee being evaluated. The use of confidential forms is not preferred because it may be contrary to government regulations and it does not provide the necessary feedback for an employee to improve (Kerzner, 2013). Non-confidential evaluation is preferred by project managers and functional managers because the results can be seen by the employees allowing them to have feedback to improve. However, it could also be difficult for the project managers when the employee is assigned to the same project after the evaluation. It could create biased results because the PM might avoid a bad working relationship with the employee or that he or she does not want to be blamed for the employees below-average merit for pay increase. Oral evaluation is also one of the commonly used performance measurement practices. It is commonly used but not preferred by project managers and functional managers because of the lack of documentation which is necessary for monitoring employee progress. It could also result to lack of feedback for employee to improve. Human resources (HR) staff often struggles to obtain the resources they need to effectively manage people in the workplace. HR staff is spending more time recruiting, hiring and training replacements. The HR plan is that the policy applies to all staff. Reward policies provide guidelines for the implementation of reward strategies and the design and management of reward process. HR Plan – Employee Recognition Award – Criteria for the award should be determined in consultation with the HR Office. Discretionary Bonus – A division/department should consult with the HR office and obtain the necessary approvals Incentive – Payments predefined in an approved plan document should be confirmed by the Plan Administrator and HR office. Tax treatment of bonus payment – Employee recognition awards may be grossed up to cover taxes if the documented award plan provisions indicate that such  payme nt will be grossed up Reason for policy This policy provides managers and supervisors with guidelines and procedures for bonus and incentive pays. Procedures Approvals are needed for individual payments Sanctions Managers, supervisors and employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. A company who truly invests in their employers by analyzing the all benefits that each function of HR provides to its business, a company can identify assets, in the form of employee support systems that most efficiently increase the value that high-potential employees provide to the university. Companies who increase employee productivity and contributions to their organizations will have a great outcome at their university. Resources Kerzner, PhD., H. (2013). Project Management A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (11th Ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey John Wiley Son, Inc. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Fifth Edition by Project Management Institute.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay Sample on How the Budget Cuts Affect the Student’s Education

Essay Sample on How the Budget Cuts Affect the Student’s Education Sample essay: How the budget cuts affect the student’s education After the 2008 global economic recession, the United States education system has seen drastic budget cuts as states try to cut on budget deficits and get back on their feet (Congress, 2010). The move to cut budgets on public education has taken many forms including implementation of a four day school week, increasing class sizes and reducing state help to students with special needs. These measures are however, impacting negatively on the standards and quality of education and other aspects of the economy in the counties and districts in which they are implemented. This study will seek to analyze the negative effects of budget cuts on education. To start with, is the shorter school week. From the article, we are informed that, in South Dakota, close to 300 students from the district in south eastern South Dakota will no longer have classes on Fridays. This is because the schools have adopted a four day school week as a means of reducing costs and dealing with state budgets cuts. The positive impact of this is that, it will cut close to $ 50, 000 annually in costs. The move is being replicated elsewhere across the United States. There is bound to be a negative effect mainly on the standards of education. One of these impacts is that, due to the elongated period that they are out of school, they tend to forget what they have already learnt (BTimes Staff Reporter, 2011). Critics argue that, children especially those from poor families usually return to school having forgotten what they had learnt earlier. This was the principle behind the failed Obama administration initiative of increasing the school day, the school week and overall the school year. In other instances, some schools do not comply with the rules set for increase in study hours on an average day. For example, an interim report on this program found that, Smith ridge elementary school in Reno, Nev., was using the 15 minutes added each morning for breakfast, as opposed to academics (Dillon, 2011). Another effect of the reduced school week is that, it has led to increased class sizes. Reports show that, across the United States, millions of public schools have experienced increases in the sizes of their classes driven by budget cuts and teacher layoffs. This is a reversal of a trend that had started in the 1980s geared towards a smaller class. However, this has several drawbacks that negatively affect the quality of education. One of these is the increased fatigue on the teacher. An example of this is Racher Maher, a math teacher in Charlotte, N.C. She argues that, if a class of 25 gains 5 kids, that’s 5 more papers to grade, 5 more students that need make up if they are absent, 5 more parents to contact and send emails to, eventually Overwhelming the teacher. In addition to that, it reduces the rate at which the students grasp issues. Research conducted in the 1980s comparing classes of 13 to 17 in kindergarten through to 22 to 25 students in 3rd grade made several reve lations. One of them is that, smaller classes significantly outscored the larger ones on achievement tests (Dillon, 2011). The other negative effect of budget cuts on schools is its effects on community property taxes. In this, we will take an example of the state of New Jersey. Due to the declining funding on public education, the state of New Jersey has seen a shrink in tax revenues. Local property-tax incomes are expected to plummet as taxpayers in several neighborhoods vote out tax increases. In addition, tax assessments steadily catch up with the bust in home prices. Federal incentives financing, that under normal circumstances helped relieve the negative impact, is set to end after the coming school year (Merrick Whitehouse, 2010). In the state of New Jersey, this move has also curtailed the upward advancement of students who require special attention for them to advance. For example, a student named Kyle Scrapper; a 7th grade student will have to do away with math remedial classes. This, his teacher believes will hurt him negatively because the tutoring had helped build his confidence and push his grades from a D to a C. (Merrick Whitehouse, 2010). In conclusion, it is clear that, the budget cuts on public education have many negative effects to the quality of education in the United States. Starting with the reduced school week, this has the effect of interrupting consistency in learning and in the process reducing the students’ ability to internalize what they learn in class. This especially applies to students from poor families. The other negative effect is increased size. When the class size is increased, teachers are more overwhelmed by the volume of work and the speed of students grasping issues reduces. Lastly, is the fact that, overall it reduces the community property taxes as experienced by the New Jersey State. The case of New Jersey also brings out the fact that, students who need extra learning for them to understand are denied that opportunity and is likely to end up as failures. CustomWritings.com is online essay writing service which will help with your essays, term papers and research papers. Professional essay writers for hire!

Monday, November 4, 2019

PHIL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PHIL - Essay Example The contentious documentary entitled â€Å"The Bridge† featured the well-known Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. According to The Bridge, â€Å"the mythic beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular suicide destination in the world, and the unfortunate souls drawn by its siren call† (Morrow, 2006). This controversial documentary documented how 24 people in year 2004 chose to commit suicide and die at the Golden Gate Bridge (Morrow, 2006). According to Fimrite (1998), a staff writer of the Chronicle, the Golden Bridge is the â€Å"No. 1 suicide landmark in the world.† Another famous bridge is the Coronado Bridge in San Diego, considered to be a suicide magnet too (Dotinga, 2009). Dotinga (2009) stated that Coronado Bridge is â€Å"one of the highest suicide tolls of any bridge in North America, almost certainly placing it in the top five.† Sunshine Skyway of St. Petersburg was also identified as the â€Å"nations fourth-most-frequent suicide brid ge† (Morales, 2011). Bridges are therefore considered to be sure, swift, clean and accessible method of committing suicide. The alarming cases of suicides committed in Golden Gate Bridge, Sunshine Skyway and Coronado Bridge are the proofs that commission of suicide in bridges is already common especially among the youth. In order for this situation and fact to be addressed, the engineers who build and design bridges should therefore take good consideration of the fact sheet of the country. Before they design and build bridges they should know the possible effects of their decisions. In cases like the Golden Gate Bridge, Coronado and Sunshine Skyway, what engineers could possibly do is to put barriers and or any devices that would surely prevent people commit suicide. It can be said that suicide is way out of the hands of the designers or engineers who build the bridges, but in the end, they can be considered partly responsible of the effects of the bridges they built. If the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Customer Relationship Management at Ford Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 13

Customer Relationship Management at Ford - Essay Example According to the management, the success or failure of our business depends upon the client problem solving and maintaining sound customer relationships. Ensuring customer satisfaction is the key principle for making the business a success because satisfied customers are the ones’ who will come again to buy the products, they are less receptive to the competitor's advertisement and they will increase the credibility of the firm by viral marketing (Importance of Customer Satisfaction). On the other hand, customer problems will cost the company in terms of lost sales; it will also hamper future purchases by the customers. And will cause a negative word of mouth behavior. Once a customer is dissatisfied and is lost in a competition it becomes exceedingly difficult to get him back to the brand again. Customer retention is the key to a prosperous business and according to the Pareto’s Principle, 80% of your business will come from the 20% of the customers. Therefore, it is i mportant not only to retain customer but also to instill customer satisfaction. So Ford needs to address the customers’ issues and problems effectively and efficiently to make sure they don’t lose out their customers to the competition. Â  As a result, the traditional philosophy that says a customer is a king is still applicable to modern-day business practices. Customer relations at Ford are comprised of two different channels, namely, end customers and dealers (Cisco).

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Inviromental changes writing assigment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Inviromental changes writing assigment 6 - Essay Example of this is Saudi Arabia which is a nation which according to the CIA World Factbook (2010) has a total fertility rate of approximately 4 children born per woman. This is a relatively high ranking however it is also the case that the nation has a GDP per capita of approximately U.S. $20,300 which is relatively high, and when the non national labour force wage rates are removed it may be the case that the GDP per capita of nationals is much higher. However one could conclude that a great deal of this economic growth can be attributed to the large oil exports of the nation which is a significant source of revenue for the nation and its people. From another perspective one could argue that population growth negatively effects economic growth of less developed countries. In Diamond (2005) a case for how overpopulation has hindered the development of Haiti when compared to the relative economic and environmental success of its neighbor the Dominican Republic was presented. It is the case that according to the CIA World Factbook Haiti has a population that is approximately the same as the Dominican Republic but with less land and a population growth rate that is nearly double that of their neighbors to the East. With a growing population one of the most obvious concerns is the growing of food crops, in the past the nation would dedicate most of their arable land to the growing of coffee and sugar cane for sale in export markets now very little of this land is used in this regard and almost 100% is dedicated to feeding its growing population. This once viable source of revenue has now more or less dried up, and this once stabl e source of income for the government (Through taxes) has hurt the economic development of this nation. This issue is compounded for the government when the domestic population is paying less income from tax revenues. With lower revenues available for government spending one can expect a significant negative effect from brain drain as it would be